Ze EMC Quidditch team

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by colepuncher, Oct 9, 2014.


Will you join?

No what is quidditch? :3 14 vote(s) 42.4%
YIS! YIS GET YO QUIDDITCH ON! >:D 19 vote(s) 57.6%
  1. everything is down there :)

  2. Lily, PS I wanna see your profile :p (this has nothing to do with quidditch)
    607 likes this.
  3. MrTanny will join on max's team :)
  4. we can make this
    cole :D
    Rundercaster likes this.
  5. yay
  6. if you like the idea like lily's picture
  7. Why are you two quoting yourself?
  8. :p
  9. omg a quidditch playerrrr
    Lilyrox55 likes this.
  10. wut
  11. can i join this? Ill be like a backup?
  12. Bump cause it is awesome!