Ze EMC Quidditch team

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by colepuncher, Oct 9, 2014.


Will you join?

No what is quidditch? :3 14 vote(s) 42.4%
YIS! YIS GET YO QUIDDITCH ON! >:D 19 vote(s) 57.6%
  1. I wanna join :)
  2. I wanna be on ur team :( but theres no space
  3. You can be part of our changes/reserves(like in soccer or you can make your own team
  4. Okay I'll explain it now I guess...
    The field is set up like usual, the 3 hoops and everything.
    Someone keeps throwing eyes of ender, although only one in the air at a time. The seeker will try to catch that eye of ender, kind of like the snitch. If u set this up on your utopia res, we can fly so it's like actual quidditch. The offensive team will have an ender pearl, and when shooting into the hoops, if it goes through, the person will be teleported. If it misses, the other team gets the Pearl. Budgers or whatever can be distracters instead, trying to get in the way of the enemy team. If I missed, anything, I'll think of that too.
    porphos likes this.
  5. you may be able to form the SMP5 quidditch team... so we can have each server have a team :D
  6. you got it karatekick.... who wants to help build it will be above my town haha :)
  7. I will :) I wanted to build a sports arena, but I was too occupied :( is it on utopia?
  8. must be haha /v 5205
  9. time for an important edit :)
  10. say whaa how you not know what quidditch is?
  11. hey guys the residences on utopia would be perfect size for a quidditch
  12. Well, for me, I don't think I had ever heard of it before seeing this thread.
  13. my god
  14. quiditch is the "sport" that appears on harry potter
  15. How do you intend to do this?
  16. ask tuqueque OR karatekick2001