Seeing as how Valve mostly let's fans of their games pretty much do anything with them, I have a feeling that they will do what a bunch of companies are doing, which is having the owners of flagged videos "claimed" by them contest the flag, where the company would quickly remove the flag.
G EMC is owned by Aikar, what is YouTube gonna reach out to modification to games and servers saying they are copyright infringment? IMO let YouTube die or start a petition on
EMC= Minecraft=Mojang=Possible take down of Minecraft videos. Also, I'm pretty sure only applies to government petitions.
This won't affect me doing EMC videos. Mojang is already very clear that they allow people to make and monetize Minecraft videos. If I ever get struck with one of these on a MC video, I can just dispute it and it should be fine.
All it is change in policy but will this effect YouTube's audience? Yes, but only for short peroid of time. After big fuss Youtubers just have to go through right process so they can show copyrighted materials. This is nothing new to big media and YouTube is one of the biggest. So I'm just going sit back and watch " Steve kardynal's wrecking ball video."
Google is one of the most valuable and smart companies on earth. How did they mess up so bad with YouTube? YouTube, listen to me. I do not want to use y real name, I do not want to sign up for google+ and I do not want any more stinking annoying orange.
Youtube just shot its self in the foot... They state here exactly what he said about fair use... And Total Biscuit, and ReviewtechUSA ohh yea and just about any youtuber effected. Also the damn system need to work booth ways otherwise these companies will continue to make invalid claims... Three chances and they are out. Unfortunately that will probably never happen. Its money for you.
That's the same thing I said really. If it get's auto-flagged, I'd dispute it and Mojang would let it go since they allow it.
There are a few misconceptions about this "new" content id review. Firstly it isn't the game studios making the claim but an automatic process that compares your uploaded video to a catalogue of copyrighted works. If part of it matches then YouTube basically says we will host your video but since it might be a breach of copyright we will not allow you to make money from it until the copyright holder of the matching content clears it. Secondary, it has always been there, every video you post goes through it. The difference now is that network partners are now subject to the content id review were as before they bypassed it. This means they will have to learn to edit their videos so that they pass this review (talk over any ingame music, modify cut-scenes [flipped,cropped or even left out]). Non-network YouTube gamers have had to deal with this for years, it is just now affecting networked YouTube gamers who are also the most popular, the reason why they are networked, and have the loudest voice.
Well the problem though, is it isn't perfect and it doesn't know the difference between fair use and otherwise. I saw a few examples the other day that were 100% custom created songs that got claimed by some random company. Think if you made a song 100% from scratch, put it up, then Youtube says, "This belongs to someone else."
Yea the new system sucks, content creators are being screwed over with this, eventually Machinama, Yeousch, etc... wont stand for these new flags and will stop paying content creators therefore ruining peoples lives who have youtube as a job.
Google isn't that bad of a whole. In fact some people like google+. The mistake was that they forced people to connect their youtube account with it. Also, get lost? So, what will happen with youtube? Would somebody else buy it? Or would it just disappear as a whole? Oh, and gmail, lots of people use that, and it's still great. Streetview, maps, et cetera. Short, you can't just say get lost to a big thing like google
Also, this may be an attempt to stop the big gaming channels such as pewdiepie to stop growing. The day pewdiepie got the most subs, the youtube spotlight surpassed it. But now pewdiepie has the most subs once again. Google is sucking, they just want to control everything with this copyright and google plus crap.