The issue is that it takes at least 24 hours for a video to be cleared and monetized, which for YT gamers is when the majority of their views come in, so, as you said, a lot of people that made YT their full-time job and have been put into the Affiliates category are basically being screwed by their networks and Google. From what I've seen, a lot of people will be moving over to permanently. They don't care if you don't want to sign up for Google+, they do want to make sure that you do sign up though because the more targeted ads are (and Google+, Facebook, ect. make this possbible via tracking social interactions), the higher they can charge for them, and the more money they make. At the end of the day they're just the same as any other big cooperation. Just thought I'd share some info for anyone who wants to/doesn't know what's up
What YouTubers need to do to avoid their views occurring while not monetised is upload them as private, wait for it to be cleared then make public. This is not ideal as they could end up playing catch up on others who are playing recent releases.
Not necessarily, Google are doing this because they have no choice, it's not like the new comment system that they wanted to put in, they are doing this though pressure from the big name companies, such as game studios and record labels or any holders of copyrighted content.
Also, the biggest change that is some to come about is one that nobody seems to mentioned yet. The changes to YouTube networks. There will soon be 2 types of partnerships for channels, Affiliates and Managed. They will also be making networks responsible for copyright claims on it's partners, if they are too many flags, then the network could be shut down. Affiliates will still have to go through the ContentID system talked about in this thread, whilst managed channels will be able to skip it. So networks will have 3 choices, Make every partner an affiliate, leading to a nice safe legal (but ultimately slower) uploads due to the wait required. Make every partner a managed channel, where the network would have to trust it's partners not to upload any copyrighted material, thus putting itself at great risk of being shut down So, the only reasonable option would be The majority of the partners be affiliates, with only a few select managed channels going to the "favourites" of the network (rather who you know, not what you know). The advantage that the Managed channels have others overs will only allow them to get further ahead, the rich getting richer and the poor poorer (now, we've heard that before ) Ultimately these changes will lead to the bigger channels to rule over and making it near impossible for smaller channels to get started.
The thing is now I like youtube for all this crap they are doing for messing up youtube. Why do i like it? I like it now because I am afraid if i don't they will send these things after me...
no, that git musinterpreted, I meant it as being that money is google and other companies care about, not the youtubers.