Your most interesting Rupee history page?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by haastregt, May 3, 2017.


How many pages of history do you have?

< 250 2 vote(s) 5.7%
250 - 1000 18 vote(s) 51.4%
1000 - 5000 10 vote(s) 28.6%
5000+ 5 vote(s) 14.3%
  1. A couple people had a good day at my casino
    haastregt, 607 and PhoenixAffinity like this.

  2. From poor to rich to poor again, all in the course of a couple of hours. (FYI ChickenButler isn't my alt account)
    TomvanWijnen, haastregt and 607 like this.
  3. Collecting voting rupees
    haastregt likes this.
  4. I'm sure that's a thought shared between a lot of us, but on the other hand: if many of us would've kept them, they wouldn't have been worth nearly as much, now... ;)
  5. Well, I never used them either, I sold them way too early. If I'd still have them, I wouldn't sell them either, I'd just keep them in my promo collection for approximately forever. ;)

    I know, but I did at least explain half of it.
    607 likes this.
  6. Some really interesting pages here!

    I vaguely remembered some moments that happened, and then I searched on posts by me mentioning this event so I could get a date, then I manually changed the page numbers in my searchbar so I could quickly get to around the time the event happened.
    That is how I found some stuff :p.
    Also I found this somewhere while totally looking for something else xP

    EDIT: Eventually did found what I was looking for, it was on my alt account though C:
  7. too many rupees page hahah!
    haastregt likes this.