Your build with Shaders!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by VirtualJunky, May 11, 2014.

  1. I'd like to go up to an i7, when I built this PC the i7 was still pretty new and there was no unlocked version yet. I was able to clock an i5 unlocked higher then the i7 at a peak clock.

    As for the shader I am using it's this -

    Posted just above. :)

    Dang nice! I might have to build a new PC again soon. I've always wanted to do water cooling and SSDs in Raid0 as well, so might do it finally in my next build. :)
    snow_freak and TomvanWijnen like this.
  2. Nice and I use the same shaders. But the sky doesn't quite look the same...
  3. i7's don't perform better game-wise.. I'm running a broken GTS 450, still waiting for the 800 series tho... rumours say 2015 :(
    plis nvidia :)
  4. These aren't my builds, neither am I using shaders (Using chunky) but I don't care (Well, the last one is but I'm not that proud of it).

    Bridge (Final).png

    Dockyard and Bridge 2.png

    Chicken Shores Cabin 1.png
    AlexChance and 607 like this.
  5. Could you please get a couple shots of smp1, 2143, and 2144? :) Thanks!
  6. Alex once took some wonderful shots of my Village on smp2,
    I'd like to see what your capable of coming up with :D
    AlexChance likes this.
  7. BrenRGerm likes this.
  8. Wow. That's not a few.