You were kicked for being idle too long.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by navyrob, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. SMP 10 here we come :D (/Jk)
  2. Your sig has a random \

    I have not experienced this, which is weird because I afk a lot.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  3. just figured i'd jump in here - I hate this happen on smp8 a few minutes ago...Five people online. I was activelymining my residence into nothingness.... and then this happens =P

  4. How did you lose 7k from a simple kick?
  5. an infinite paper villager i was in the middle of a trade
  6. FYI The Anti AFK is still in place - just it was not suppose to be triggering... We do not encourage AFK'ing for long periods of time at farms, and if the server has 40+ people on, the system will activate.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  7. Endertopia had an AFK coaster when this video was made. You can see it pretty clearly starting 35 seconds into this video and at 1 minute:

    Staff built and approved. Are AFK coasters against the rules for everyone or just for the unwashed masses?
    ob1bob69 and penfoldex like this.
  8. How?
  9. I want to turn off AFK, doing that in other virtual wolrds to. A: cant find how. B: now its eems its forbidden.
    Why because i where kicked just because i where short busy in other program. (smp5) this i think week ago.
    If there's some function i really hate then its AFK, its still spamming chat to. your away your back.
    Once someone told me i where spamming the chat with AFK. HUH ??

    I think supporters need to have the option to stay in minecraft, at least for a longer time.
    I un derstand that its good to unload the server to, but then do it for the freee account say after 1 hour.
    and for supporters after 3 hours that the get kicked.

    Not talking about coasters etc. just the avatar that get kicked.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  10. As the circumstances have changed dramatically i ask you to make a new thread since this is almost a year old, it is going to confuse some people. ;)
    FDNY21 likes this.