you need to see this!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Spyrovsgnorg, Sep 29, 2014.



boo! 4 vote(s) 12.9%
sweet! 27 vote(s) 87.1%
  1. you guys might be mad but i killed him
  2. How dare you?! :p
    He's a cute pet :)
  3. I don't think the title was supposed to be taken literally... :confused: (I did the same thing though :p)
    607 likes this.
  4. he was after ME!
  5. I just saw an enraged baby zombie out in the waste (and came here to see if they actually existed) - I got a poor quality screenshot before it killed me. But I died not too far from my spawn point, and when I went back, the mobs that were there before were still there, but the baby zombie was not :p
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  6. Barbecued Chicken Yum :)
  7. When I saw this, I felt like I was looking at an enraged spider jokey- spider had like speed 2 and regen, the skelly had well, it was enraged. No screenshot though
  8. still they are super rare ^_^
    BabyCreepersRule likes this.
  9. Does that go at chicken speed or baby zombie speed?
  10. baby zombie
    607 likes this.