Worst EMC Fail?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by kkirigaya_, Jul 19, 2013.


Rate my fail (right below) on a scale of 1-5!

1 - Your fail was really bad. Sorry bro. 10 vote(s) 21.3%
2 - You have to be more careful! Not that bad. 17 vote(s) 36.2%
3 - Happened to me before. I have no sympathy for you. 7 vote(s) 14.9%
4 - Really? That's not a fail. 7 vote(s) 14.9%
5 - Happened to 7 other people yesterday. :P 6 vote(s) 12.8%
  1. I switched to a lower fat bacon once.. :oops:
  2. Poor LLO claims so many lives lol. I helped someone get all the way there and then he jumped off my deck of my tree house and died. Also on the accidental buying, I've done that only it was a finger twitch. I've recorded stuff and it's done it at times I can't edit out so I'm punching people/the air randomly.
  3. Well, Empire Shop was the only shop on smp2 back when i joined :/
    5chris100 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. You haven't experienced the LLO until you die there somehow :p
    jacob5089 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. So I was mining quartz in the Nether. I had several stacks of quartz ore with me. I drank a fire resistance potion and jumped from a ledge into a lava pit, thinking I wouldn't take any fall damage because the lava would soften the blow. Little did I know the lava was only 1 block thick, so I fell to my death and everything I had in my inventory fell in the lava... >.>
  6. I knew I forgot something when making my list.
  7. Got another! :)
    Jumping into the lava in the corners of the Mob Arena forgetting I'm wearing a wither skull.
    (Back when they were reasonably new)
  8. I have an actual one.. I forgot what shop it was, but, I was buying enchanted golden apples for a mob arena about 3 months ago, and I bought about 5 apples for 5k each.. Spent 25k.. ;_;
  9. Oh the hate you got xD
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. Tearing down my original shop is my biggest fail
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. Well, getting banned is quite a lot of hate....
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. Not related to EMC, but this reminds me of surely one of the biggest collective fails in the known history: low fat products and low fat diet. (Indirectly makes people even more overweight.)
  13. my EMC fail was when I died in the wild with everything I had then coming back like I lost my rupees in the wild Dx
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. Recently I decided to go out on a grand expedition into the nether in search of treasures and such. I set up my inventory with the things I would need included my favorite bow and 4 iron pickaxes (I don't take diamond gear in there. Too risky). A good bit later I had been paying much more attention to staying alive than to (keeping track) of my pickaxes, and I broke my 4th pickaxe. I was a long way from any outpost and in my backpack I had ghast tears, quartz, blaze rods, glowstone and magma cream. Not to mention my infinity bow. I /palmfaced and then spent the next several hours (I think it was about 3 hours) literally punching through netherrack ALL the way back to safety, avoiding the lava lakes and whatnot.

    My roommate was telling me "dude, just jump in the lava, this is not worth it" but I just could not part with that infinity bow. That thing is a beauty. I finally made it back and vowed never to let this happen again.
  15. Is this the same roommate who thought it would be funny to dump lava in your base? If so I'd tell him to jump in the lava ;)

    Don't feel bad though, I'm the same way and when I lose my infinity bows I think I die a little on the inside.
    jacob5089 and Gadget_AD like this.
  16. Haha no, that is a different roommate. I should actually call them housemates, not roommates because I share this house with 3 other people. This guy is a much nicer person and he plays MC too. I tried to get him to join EMC but he mainly just plays creative single player mode.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  17. Not really a fail on my part, but back when the LLO Blazegrinders were still around (should be over a year now).
    Those things got stuck all the time and you had to reset it by punching away the block on which the piston was placed (thus turning off the redstone pulse to the piston). SecretAznEks accidentally punched at the repeater behind it...He finally fixed it after dying like 20 times...

    Meh, those blaze grinders were a fail back then, getting abused till the point almost noone could get in the vicinity of those things (800 blazes, and afterwards 1200 blazes)...
    jacob5089 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  18. 28 Diamond Ore, 62 Lapis Ore, 156 Coal Ore and well over 200 Iron Ore done.
    Second time I went to the wild with a Silk pick and died cause a creeper blew me into a lava lake in the wild, after blowing up.
  19. Captain EMC? More like JackBiggin ;)
    5chris100, Nole972, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  20. What About Pe?