World Reset For 1.3

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by nfell2009, Jun 12, 2012.


Should There Be A Reset? Maybe Have A Comp For Best Spawn!

Yes For Reset And Yes For Comp! 14 vote(s) 18.2%
Yes For Reset And No For Comp! 18 vote(s) 23.4%
No For Reset And No For Comp 45 vote(s) 58.4%
  1. And there were issues with newly generated biomes
    marknaaijer likes this.
  2. Yea, bye bye economy.
  3. They are distributed at higher levels too so expect to start seeing xrayed swiss cheese all over the place instead of just at diamond hunter levels.
  4. Eh, I dont see this becoming an issue. The conversion is really far off. 8 gold bars or 4 diamonds for 1 emerald. On the other end. 14 wool for 1 emerald.

    14 wool is worth about 14r. So say an emerald is worth 14 rupees.

    A bookshelf would cost 42r then (3 emeralds).
    A diamond chest would cost 252r (16 emeralds).

    I don't see it causing a problem, since a bookshelf for 10r is way too pricey.
  5. Currently the only use for emeralds is trading with villagers and emerald blocks. If Justin decides to save the economy and take out villager trading, then a wild reset isnt worth it for basically two new block types (emerald ore and emerald block) and the emeralds themselves.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  6. Why would he remove it? Read above / do the math!
  7. Yeah, the diamond price would be decrease to like 20r... With this post I accually hope that the trading would be took away!
  8. None of the villagers sell diamonds, they only buy them...

    Come on. Someone just posted the link to it, and I had no idea they could give you emeralds. If I can do the math and read the chart...
  9. I saw that the villagers (blacksmith) could give you chainmail armoe, than the price would drop down so far!
  10. Also relating to the economy, priests can do enchants on diamond picks, swords, axes, and chestplates for 2-4 emeralds. Same for iron. So if you have a diamond pick, you can have it enchanted for basically 28-56r.The levels are from 5-19. But because of the new enchanting levels, that isnt so low anymore.
  11. And have you seen the quality of these enchants? Because they aren't good...
  12. Also the wiki says that the enchanted items are fully repaired, which is quite cheap for a repair. And even if it is a bad quality enchant, it still only costs about about 28-56r
  13. A couple things... First there is a lot happening in this update- Not just the emeralds. The entire enchanting system has been messed with, added the tripwire hooks, trading with villagers, updated silk touch items (Ice, Glass Panes), Ender chests, stackable buckets, added sandstone stairs and more wooden slabs, Cocoa plants, Editable Books, and other updates. Note: I mainly chose things relevant to EMC.

    This update will be a challenge for the staff to quickly adapt around already, but I know they are already making plans on how to tackle some of these challenges.

    I think it would be best if EMC perhaps disables the villager trading system to start out with so they can spend more time on it after adapting the servers for the update.

    There is not much noncraftable aspects changing, so an update isn't really necessary. There is both plenty of diamonds and Glowstone out there still. A wild reset is more likely to devastate the EMC economy than the villager trading system.

    In case you wonder where I got the update information check this page out!
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  14. lol ended up being more than a couple things
  15. Why should we world reset just because of 2 little things that aren't even that good and are really rare. If you really want to see one go explore more of the wild.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  16. Maybe not all the wilds will have to be resetted. We could vote for each server if we want a reset or not. I can think off some bigger communities on smp4 or smp7 that might vote no for a reset but know some people on smp3 that would love one.
    jkjkjk182 and chickeneer like this.
  17. There WAS a Wasteland and then a Wild back in 1.8. The wasteland was the original wild but was removed for the new wild.
  18. Guys. It's really simple. Go to the live map for any server, and zoom as far out as you can. Wait for everything to load, then move the map around. The majority of the map, outside of the pre-explored circles around spawn areas, is unexplored (black parts of the map). After the update, everything black you see on the live map is the new 1.3 generated terrain. There's so much of it! Why do we 'need' a reset?!
    ignoramoose, zulu9 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  19. I dont think there will be a reset because we had onea couple months ago and if the staff think it is needed then IcecreamCow orJustinGuy will post a poll about it.
  20. this would destory some quiet villages on servers. some ppl like me and a few others are right at that line of the circle. your idea makes everyone travel EVEN FARTHER to get stuff why?
    jkjkjk182 likes this.