If you play wordle, share your attempts here! Pretty simple concept. The RULES: 1) DO NOT SHARE THE WORD HERE! That would completely ruin the fun of wordle and this thread. 2) You must only put the word of the day here. No older words allowed.
Wordle 267 X/6 โฌ๐ฉโฌโฌ๐ฉ โฌโฌโฌโฌ๐ฉ โฌ๐ฉโฌโฌโฌ โฌ๐ฉโฌโฌ๐ฉ โฌ๐ฉโฌโฌ๐ฉ โฌ๐ฉโฌโฌ๐ฉ I failed miserably today lol
I started playing Wordle 16 days ago and I am hooked. Here is today's attempt. Let's see if I can post the results. Wordle 267 3/6 โฌโฌโฌโฌ๐ฆ ๐ง๐ง๐ฆโฌโฌ ๐ง๐ง๐ง๐ง๐ง Edit: I have to use the high contrast setting so blue is correct letter wrong location, orange is correct location.
Please don't post the word though. I'll be sure to check these forums after I attempt to solve it, just in case, but I wouldn't want it spoiled for others.
Wordle 268 5/6 โฌ๐ฆโฌโฌโฌ โฌโฌ๐งโฌ๐ง โฌโฌ๐ง๐ฆ๐ง ๐งโฌ๐งโฌ๐ง ๐ง๐ง๐ง๐ง๐ง
Very exciting! So, my first wordie is: Wordle 268 X/6 โฌโฌโฌ๐จ๐จ โฌโฌโฌโฌ๐จ โฌ๐จโฌโฌ๐จ ๐ฉโฌโฌ๐จโฌ โฌโฌโฌ๐ฉโฌ ๐จโฌโฌโฌโฌ
What is this Wordle of the day thing. Like where do I go in the app for the word of the day to solve?
It's on the ny times site. The following link is what I use. https://www.nytimes.com/games/wordle/index.html
I did a little better today. Wordle 269 3/6 โฌ๐ง๐งโฌโฌ โฌ๐ง๐งโฌ๐ฆ ๐ง๐ง๐ง๐ง๐ง
Huh, this seems to be exactly like Lingo! In the Netherlands, Lingo uses 6 letter words, but I see that in the USA, it does use 5 letter words, so I guess it's exactly that but not in a tv show format, and without a time limit. While doing some research on Wikipedia, I also learnt about the 1955 pen-and-paper game Jotto, which is more like Mastermind, because you aren't told which letters you got right, only how many. Well, let me try! Well, I got lucky with my first guess, it appears. Wordle 269 3/6 โฌ๐ฉ๐ฉโฌโฌ โฌ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐จ ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ I was going to ask where you guys get the number of the Wordle from, but then I noticed it actually gets copied with the squares. Ah, I see now that it's also in the bottom right of the frame! I do wonder why The New York Times Company bought this for over a million dollars?
On the fourth round you learnt what letter was in the first spot, why did you not keep it there on subsequent rounds? Edit: Heh, the boards look funny when quoted.