WoolMart - SMP5 Public Shearing Farm

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Kyzoy, Apr 29, 2014.


What do you call a Sheep covered in chocolate?

Kyzoy. 23 vote(s) 28.8%
A Scruffalupigus 11 vote(s) 13.8%
candy baaa 18 vote(s) 22.5%
a sticky situation 28 vote(s) 35.0%
  1. Woolmart is awesome and it most definitely has influenced me a bit to place my 3rd residence on SMP5 (now home of GRIP). Reminds me that I have more plans for the rest of that residence. I've mentioned it several times to players and I will definitely continue to do so because it's an awesome service which really works.

    Of course the fun part is that I always forget about it myself whenever I need some wool but hey... Can't win 'm all.

    If you ever need help with specific redstone gimmicks for woolmart then be sure to let me know. Would be my pleasure to help out a bit with that if I can.
  2. I need just under four double chests of Acacia Logs, please contact me if you have a large quantity available that you can sell to me. :)
    I'm glad that it's worked out, and even more glad that I pulled someone the wonderful server of 5. Thanks for helping to promote this place, and don't fret that you haven't been buying.. that's not the point!

    I'll take you up on your offer if I ever can't figure something out, though I've somehow been managing with little-to-no redstone gimicks.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. Wow! This thread hasn't seen the surface for some time.

    I migrated the fourth residence to one of my alternate accounts, so hopefully there won't be any more problems due to the derelict system!

    This caused some un-noticed problems until 2468hammy brought it to my attention that all of the shops signs on that residence were broken! Thanks Hammy. :)

    I haven't updated the buy and sell prices since the launch of WoolMart, but I figured it was time to do so since the store was nearly out of stock on all colors except for white, brown, pink, magenta, and green.

    Enjoy taking more of my money,
    Happy Shearing!
    penfoldex, MrsWishes and ShelLuser like this.
  4. I think I'll try to push out a review of woolmart next week.

    Writing that gave me some new ideas too. hmm, I need to think that through ;)

    But yeah: /v +woolmart = awesome!
    Kyzoy likes this.