which server needs a new mega mall?

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by jkrmnj, Jul 7, 2013.


which server needs a new mega mall?

smp1 4 vote(s) 5.1%
smp2 5 vote(s) 6.3%
smp3 17 vote(s) 21.5%
smp4 10 vote(s) 12.7%
smp5 3 vote(s) 3.8%
smp6 13 vote(s) 16.5%
smp7 9 vote(s) 11.4%
smp8 9 vote(s) 11.4%
smp9 9 vote(s) 11.4%
  1. Not enough people on utopia.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. Update: We are now confirming smp3 and are busy raising money. By the end of the month I will be auctioning off a DC of emeralds to raise some money. If you want I am taking payments for wool orders and sugar cane orders. PM me for info. Everything goes to the mall.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. Still, the people on Utopia would go only to your shop and if you keep it stocked, you will reap rewards.
    Olaf_C and mba2012 like this.
  4. Maybe. It is always an option.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.