When is endertopia opening for all member?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Tuqueque, Aug 2, 2014.


are you enthuthiastic about this?

Poll closed Mar 2, 2015.
no, im a supporter and now non supporters will lag this and i won't be able to get xp 24 vote(s) 64.9%
yes, i want the xp! 16 vote(s) 43.2%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Exactly, possibly we could have the utopia wilds non suporters only go out 30000 blocks to prevent them from ruining the entire landscape? this may not work and or be allowed but it may be possible....
    tuqueque likes this.
  2. Aikar mentioned an idea about adding another wild, and restricting the old wild to supporters only.
  3. Lets think about the spot we're in for a second. Is Mojang legitimately going to care if a rather small (compared to giants) server has Utopia like it is now? Honestly we'd be fine doing Utopia as usual. We'd really only need to change if Mojang actually fires a Cease or Desist, otherwise it shouldn't matter given the magnitude of other issues.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  4. Not a bad idea, can access all of Utopia technically but wild/waste can be on a 1 second trial time :p
  5. I hate this. Endertopia is good because it is left alone most of the time. The point is to afk. With all the free members using it, supporters will have to always be running around.
  6. I'll be completely honest with you, endertopia is nothing special if anything it is under par compared to regular user built end farms. I'd recommend going out to one of the farms built on a regular smp server than going to this. SUpporters only go to it since you can access it with a command. I use it as a last resort if I need to get 2 or so levels mainly because it takes ages to get to 30.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  7. that's a little extreme, I was thinking more of a normal player world limit and a daily time minute too. possibly 2 hours per day?
  8. It's not. 2 hours is plenty of time for anything to get griefed. I'm purposely trying to make it as close as possible to today, where random new kids can't hop on and grief everything. If free players can legitimately access it, Utopia would look like garbage pretty dang quick.
  9. There goes the wither, gold, slime, snow, iron, mob xp spawner farms! :(
    PenguinDJ and southpark347 like this.
  10. Get a wild from another server so they don't get a all brand new one haha,
  11. two hours a day may be plenty but if you have read my previous posts I said there should be other rules such as never been banned and, have been on EMC 1 or more years
  12. How efficient will it really be when there are so many people at the grinder..
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  13. Even though I'm all for the "All treated equally" part of the EULA, I don't want stuff griefed. The idea of separate Wild/Frontier isn't bad, but not sure that fits the EULA? Everyone keeps trying to keep the free players off Utopia, if they did that, wouldn't they have to keep supporters off the other SMPs? I'm surprised none of the staff have commented on the matter. They can usually clear things up for us.
    tuqueque likes this.
  14. It will happen.. Utopia is to remain paid-for like it has been and it has been running fantastically (?) for what it is and we don't need Mojang making us ruin it. We all know for a solid fact that if free players have a way to get into it, regardless of the requirements, the griefings will happen.

    Like I said, technically it's legal to provide a 1 second "free trial" of the wild/waste worlds. I don't know why we waste our time succumbing to Mojang treating us this way when we could rather focus on finding flaws in their rather garbage wording and using them to our advantage in order to stay as pre-EULA as possible. You could either spend all your time making these new 'features' which are literally like coding your own death, or you could be thinking creatively for ways to get around their wording like I've been doing for a long time. Town can be free, and wild/waste worlds can be like 5 second free trials, totally legal. If all you could possibly donate for would be cosmetics, nobody would donate unless they just want to give money and don't care about perks. New supporters wouldn't really come, only those that actually want to support just to support would and that's about it.. Would you really pay even $10 a month for a pet? You need to keep the features you have now, or at least as many as possible, and work around the EULA to make them legal. Even if they slip one little word, who's to say Mojang will send a Cease or Desist to us over a few features that aren't 100% compliant? We just need to try as much as possible to hold our grind through loopholes (which are plentiful in Mojang's wording).

    This is a controversial subject, some will agree with me and some will completely disagree because they think like Mojang does (why..). Things will have to change for sure, but let's try our best to hold our ground as much as possible :)
    spartan0405 likes this.
  15. it's an enderman farm thingy and I don't think iron supporters have access to it
    tuqueque likes this.
  16. I was referring to endertopia, because pretty much everyone uses AZ's. That's weird, because it takes me much longer to rank up at endertopia's.
  17. utopia - all 1 second trials - poof - "Pay to access because we found a moth hole in Mojang's damn blanket!"
  18. As I stated before, It would be nice for staff input.

    I feel kinda bad for the OP because he asked a simple question and has yet to get simple answers, just Free player hate.
  19. Coming from a regular former supporter, even I am not so enthusiastic about this upcoming change. We are all human, but when it was supporter only, I would EXTREMELY rarely see some grief in Endertopia, or the wilderness. I am all for all members having freedom, but there are some aspects of EMC that should be added for supporters, not all members.
    tuqueque and PenguinDJ like this.
  20. All players are treated equally in the first place.. its just members that want to donate and help the empire get another world to enjoy, while all members have access to 10 servers, 9 wilderness and nether, and even town.
    tuqueque and PenguinDJ like this.