What's with EMC's obsession with heads?!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Otus_NigRum, May 22, 2018.

  1. I see it everywhere, people are collecting heads, giving away heads, I even heard that Aikar's head is worth 2M r! No offense Aikar, but I'm not paying 2m to have your head on my wall.

    It's kind of gross though isn't it, we're selling eachother other players heads, and giving away our own heads and placing them on walls! What are we doing?
    ( I also don't understand the obsession with dragon stones and other misc items that just have a special name tag )

    anyone care to explain to me why we are all obsessed with hanging other players heads on our walls? :p
  2. I mean in most cases it's just because people like collecting shiny things :p
    But also there's this huge market of decorative heads that people use to decorate their properties and such

    Dragon stones will eventually have a use though
    FadedMartian and Jelle68 like this.
  3. Well, it are rare items, they can be sold and bought: the less there are and the more well-known they are, the more they're worth. I personally own quite a few million ruppees worth of items that don't practically d anything, but they're have a stable-ish worth: as there are people that like to collect them. (I think you understand that people like to collect stuff, as some people always do when it is difficult to get a full collectionn) It also is a great way to store ruppees, due to the inflation (I haven't monitorred it, but I beleve there still is something like 0.5% inflation currently, it was deflating for a while, but I think it got more healthy and got up again) just having ruppees around isn't an good idea (I can remember having 100Kr five years ago and it being able to buy just as much as 800Kr nowdays)
    For one-time releasing items, it can even be a really good way of getting more ruppees, Tom and I bought two old diamond supporter vouchers "supporter gifts" for a total of 600Kr two years ago, they're over 1.5mil a piece currently I beleve.

    The best way to see it would be like the stock marcet, you're basically selling and buying nothing, but you hope it's going to be worth more (extreemly simplified)
  4. Hahahahaa!
  5. Don't be that cynical... Well... Actually... yeah... Ahahahahah!
  6. Jelle gave a good explanation. However, I've noticed that mostly only staff heads seem to be collected. Which is interesting. I think that is because there is a known, fixed amount of staff members - it sometimes changes of course, but not too rapidly, and changes are made known publicly - and in theory you could complete a collection. While with regular members, that isn't the case, as many are banned or have left never to come back, and they might not have heads in circulation.

    I'm not a fan of head-sharing myself, although I don't mind receiving them. I personally write and sign books instead. Those are often also of worth, because they are connected to a certain person. I haven't seen too many collectors, though, except of the administrators.
  7. Do you not like the aroma of a freshly hollowed-out head??
  8. Mm... I do love the smell of a hollowed-out deco_qkazoo head...
    come to 5688 or /v +deco on /utopia pls
    586 and khixan like this.
  9. just cannot stop plugging the dead giant, eh?
    607 and khixan like this.
  10. I wonder what a hallow's hollowed-out head smells like....

    I'm sure it's lovely ;p
  11. Because Front 242 Headhunter ;)

    Jelle gave the real explanation.
    Jelle68 and Sydney_43 like this.
  12. It wouldn't be EMC without the head craze out there for it will not go away it will keep happening just like my head is everywhere nowadays
  13. available at 5688 or /v +deco on /utopia for 200r
    607 and khixan like this.
  14. So I can just make and sign books and it'll sell good?
  15. They smell minty fresh
    MoreMoople and khixan like this.
  16. jesus christ ._.
    Sydney_43 and RainbowChin like this.
  17. You know you're young when conductor has the weather on favourites ;)
    khixan likes this.
  18. Yes because you're a freshmint
    MoreMoople and khixan like this.
  19. Probably not, as, besides signatures not being as popular to collect as heads, you aren't well-known. And even if you would be, as I said, being staff seems to 'help' a lot more than being well-known.