Whats the longest you have held your breath?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by jewel_king, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. there goes experimental science for you :D ! I can make a nearly dead thread take a gasping breath !

    I can hold breath for swimming underwater a pool and a half-ish, depends if I do not use too much energy turning around at the end of the line.
  2. How long is the 'pool', and how fast do you swim? :p This doesn't tell us much. ;) Although it does sound quite impressive regardless. I doubt I could swim a pool and a half above water, breathing. :p
  3. the pool is standard 50m and I go slow, maximizing the use of each push momentum, following the bottom . And the last seconds are agonizingly long, fighting between the increasingly demanding urge to surface and the waning will to continue just one more push... just one more push... :D
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  4. The longest I've held my breath is about 4 months before..
  5. A mere 13 seconds, I am now coughing.
  6. The first time I tried I took a really big breath and got 45 seconds. After that I waited a few minutes and tried again, but with a slightly smaller breath. This time I got to 1 minute and 38 seconds. Perhaps I could've gone further but it really didn't feel right and hadn't done so for a while so I just ended it. :p
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