What's in your hand?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Velma_T_Jinkies, Feb 26, 2018.


Do you have a water bucket? =P

Yes 15 vote(s) 60.0%
Yes, now I do 3 vote(s) 12.0%
How do you make a bucket water? 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Nope 7 vote(s) 28.0%
  1. Lols, only if you're using it for the smp8 dating website =P
  2. When I go mining I'm mostly mining at lvl 10 and down (sometimes lvl 11 down ) there's bound to be lava around so I have a water bucket to either save me from burning or to turn lava lakes to water for obby mining :)
  3. Wait, SMP8 has a dating site now? When did this happen?
    ...and why am I not more surprised by this?
  4. *SMP1 :p
    Some noob started asking who was a girl. I took this oppertunity to troll the poor kid and claimed to be a chick. I told him I was a dood and he got upset and disconnected. Mission Success. lol
  5. BreezyMan, Tbird1128, 607 and 4 others like this.
  6. Velma_T_Jinkies likes this.
  7. I like water for a multitude of reasons...
    You can move afk'ers with it
    You can move villagers with it
    You can put out fires, move snow (carpet type), remove grass.
    It makes a cheap elevator if you need to go up or down in just about any circumstance
    I ALWAYS use it when fighting Momo's
    That's all I have to say about that.
  8. I personally use it to keep away those who are wanting my signature and heads... It's not always fun being popular and well liked :rolleyes::p
    Sir_Schmoopsalot and 607 like this.
  9. I usually keep the essentials like all my voters tools (my axe, pick, sword, spade, and shovel being the diamond ones)
    and with a few stacks of pork or steak and a bucket.
    luckycordel and FadedMartian like this.
  10. Because pearls don't fall faster.
    Gawadrolt likes this.

  11. Usually I have voters armor on, but not today... Out grinding gold. :p But my typical hotbar is always:
    Sword, axe, shovel, pickaxe, (misc), (misc), (misc) , food, bow. Arrow(s) always go in the top left corner of my inv. Anything important else in my inv goes to the far right side of my inv. The rest is random... hehe.
    MoreMoople, 607, Sazukemono and 5 others like this.
  12. I always have a water bucket in my hand, my first Empire experience was falling down a ravine and losing all my items and my quest to get it back! (When compasses didn't go to your death)
    Also gotta get a shield and torches. And don't forget an arrow when you bring your bow. (Or arrows) ;)
    Slvr and Gawadrolt like this.
  13. I haven't played much in the last year so I am behind on the shields and shulker boxes being adopted into my get up. This is my usual set up but I always have enderpearls in my last spot... I just ran out of pearls way out in the wild where I am. maybe I will take this opportunity to visit town. need more enchanted shovels too anyways. I usually have more stuff in the echest but I do something very specific on this smp. echest usually has redstone, slime, gold, beacons and echests.
    607, luckycordel and jossytheninja like this.
  14. This is what I carry all the time. In my ender chest 17 empty shulkers the gray ones, All others are tools, rockets and various building blocks plus redstone. Inventory has my voters gear and a few other things. Oh and always have a water bucket!:D
  15. All those shulker boxes! I'm looking forward to getting one myself. :)
    I also still have to check out the pair of Elytra I got from the Valentine's Day Die Roll. :)
    luckycordel, Gawadrolt and Ethy202 like this.
  16. I usually have standard gear in my hotbar and an ender filled with shulkers. I keep one shulker full of back up gear and other necessities. I will carry water now though.

  17. This is what I carry into the waste with me for pure gathering. Voter's armor, pick, ax and shovel plus a silk touch mending shovel, a God sword and a bow with mending and infinity plus one arrow, I take 2 water and ladders with me for digging straight down in a two by two pattern I have and enderchest with additional equipment and a shulker box, I eat a lot of bread cause i sell my meats. Plus bread heals 2.5. If I get in a fight. I only need to heal 1.5 food to get health back. That is my standard out to the waste package. I do take different things with me for different quests though but this is my normal for resource collection.