What's in your hand?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Velma_T_Jinkies, Feb 26, 2018.


Do you have a water bucket? =P

Yes 15 vote(s) 60.0%
Yes, now I do 3 vote(s) 12.0%
How do you make a bucket water? 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Nope 7 vote(s) 28.0%
  1. In all of my years playing MC I have always carried tools, supplies and food in the same manner. One of the many things I almost always carry is a water bucket. Until recently I thought this was common. When someone called me out on it I was surprised to learn that it is not as common as I would have thought. This got me thinkin...I wanna see how everyone else carries their stuff. I am including a pic of my basic inventory and my back up shulker. If you want to post a pic of yours, feel free. If you don't want to post a pic, just list it off. This is just for fun..and I'm kinda nosey.
  2. What SMP is that?
  3. I never carry the same things cause I'm never doing the same things. I'll post a screenshot of what I carry when I go exploring.
    Velma_T_Jinkies likes this.
  4. I always carry a stack of baked potatoes, a stack of torches, and a turtle supplies kit
    Gawadrolt and Sazukemono like this.
  5. I usually carry a stack of ice blocks instead of a water bucket, depends on situation thou, I sometimes have one handy for endermen repellent
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  6. ALWAYS have a water bucket on your hotbar

  7. In my main shulker box (I always travel with an echest full of shulker boxes for max storage :p ) I have:
    • Voters shears
    • Voters axe
    • Voters pick
    • Voters shovel
    • max enchanted silk axe
    • labor bench
    • rockets for flying
    • iron for setting up beacon buffs
    • my main and backup Elytra
    • a few max enchanted fortune picks
    • a few max enchanted silk shovels
    • a few max enchanted silk picks
    • a torch (since I use dynamic lights so i don't need a ton of them)
    • backup water bucket
    • a couple eye of enders just in case I need to make an echest
    • a couple echests just in case I break my main one
    On my hotbar I have my Voters sword, food, max enchanted silk pick, max enchanted silk shovel , max enchanted Fortune pick , an echest, a water bucket, my voters bow and a single arrow in my inventory for my bow.

    In other shulker boxes I'll carry whatever I need for that specific trip. If its a nether trip I'll carry a box of buckets and a box of fire res potions. If its a trip in the wastes I'll pack a few extra stacks of food and a boat. If its a trip to my outpost I'll carry iron blocks and beacons and torches to set up spots for where I'm working.

    I never understood people who don't have a set up when like me or similar to me when they go out lol You must always be prepared hehe
  8. Yass!!!!!
    FadedMartian and jossytheninja like this.
  9. I don't carry around water. It takes up a slot that could be used for something else.

    luckycordel and TomvanWijnen like this.
  10. But if you use it for something else, it's taking up a slot that could be used for water. ;)

    As to myself: my inventory is almost always a mess. :)
  11. When I venture out into the waste I tend to have a god set with me which is all Prot IV and Unbreaking III and Mending

    I then take a god sword and pickaxe and shovel, whenever I remember, I take water with me and I always take a stack of steak and 1 stack of ender pearls.
  12. my phone is in my hand. does that count?
  13. In MC, I carry a block of Dirt! Not 2, not 3 just 1 is all i need!
    irl I have some air.
    FadedMartian and jossytheninja like this.
  14. Three empty slots? :eek:
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  15. 25 empty slots :p
    FadedMartian, TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  16. Perhaps a better question to ask: why on earth do you all have a water bucket in your hotbar? :confused:
    xGGirlx, FadedMartian and haastregt like this.
  17. I don't usually go out to the wild on EMC, and if I do it is only for resource gathering so I pick my items according to what I want to gather. (for example, I gear up more for quartz mining than for sandstone mining, when I need to get clay I also use other gear)

    However most of the time I am busy in town building. So my hotbar usually looks something like this: Max. enchanted pickaxe, axe and shovel, labor bench, fireworks, elytra on and the rest filled with the blocks I need for my build. I usually keep some shullkerboxes on me for more storage or I use my vault (but usually that one is too much of a mess).

    Sometimes I have a water bucket on me when building, but that is only when I am working on a roof or something so that I can place blocks downwards. It isn't in my standard toolkit though.
    Patr1cV and 607 like this.
  18. Because, next to enderpearls, there's nothing better for getting to hard-to-reach places, and unlike pearls they're reusable. Because they're fantastic for "flushing" unwanted wildlife away. Because you never know when you'll find yourself on fire and in need of a quick soak. Because it's glorious fun to troll your friends by washing them downhill.
    Because water buckets are love.
    Water buckets are life.
  19. IRL i have a glass of water, so yes; and in-game I almost always carry a water bucket with me (unless i'm doing redstone wiring, then it's off my bar, and if i'm building in town i don't bother with one at all).

    I tend to carry two buckets of water in my 'adventuring box' just in case, for an infi-spring whenever i might need one, in addition to the one that gets plonked on my bar for immediate panicky use :) Like Jossy, I also carry replacement enderchests.

    I'm really pleased with my setup, and it's taken quite a while to get it where i like it :p
    because i took lots of pictures, i'm tucking each of them into a spoiler tag hehe :D

    Here's the full extent of my EveryDay Carry ;)

    the other 11 shulkers I haven't posted pictures of here are for storage and are currently empty. What's the point of bringing the gear to survive long periods of time away from town if you don't have the ability to bring it back with you? ^_~*
    that pick in the bottom row is my shulker collector, so i don't have to use my regular one (which is handy when i'm packing everything up and my gear is already stored away in their boxes)