What SMP is most active on the forums?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by moonolotl, Oct 25, 2016.


What is your main smp? (The one you use the most/the one you call ''home'')

SMP1 18 vote(s) 13.0%
SMP2 9 vote(s) 6.5%
SMP3 10 vote(s) 7.2%
SMP4 38 vote(s) 27.5%
SMP5 16 vote(s) 11.6%
SMP6 8 vote(s) 5.8%
SMP7 7 vote(s) 5.1%
SMP8 29 vote(s) 21.0%
SMP9 3 vote(s) 2.2%
Utopia 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. To get more alts than azoundria's 10 accounts
  2. Well, with a powerful enough computer all those accounts could AFK at 6 farms at the same time.

    OR.... This person has build such a huge farm themselves that the server simply can't load it at once, so he placed all his 5 alts around the edges (4 in the corners and one in the middle).

    But of course it's also possible some people simply need all the virtual company they can get :)

    I personally blame Mojang though. I think they're sending subliminal messages through the Minecraft launchers and games which try to persuade us to buy more into Minecraft. Because, you know, it's cool and all :cool:

    Must. resist. more. alts.... Phew, I voted for the Empire so I'm protected for this day again ;)

    Well, either this or I have too much imagination :D
    ForeverMaster0, 607 and DaysInTheDust like this.
  3. Thr33 :)
    Smp3 is where I have all my stuff, residences outpost etc are. I still have my first res, but I haven't done anything with it lol
    DaysInTheDust likes this.
  4. I think this is the first time a poll asked for your home server and I actually voted 'smp8' instead of 'smp7'! :D
    AyanamiKun, Dufne, Kephras and 3 others like this.
  5. Well... I think it's the other way around: the players on Utopia are having so much fun there that they simply lack the time to reply here ;)

    Making Utopia maybe the least active on the forums but, within my (little twisted ;)) logic, the most active server in the game :D
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  6. what... smp7 is BAE
  7. You may all bow down to your rulers, the hierarchy of SMP3. Or my alts will invade all of the other smps!
  8. I don't understand how Utopia would be the most ''active server''
    First off way less than half of players who join emc get gold or diamond rank, which allows you to get another res for utopia, and out of all those only half of those players will get a utopia residence. I know a lot of players with diamond and gold and most of them have said they've never gotten a utopia residence.

    I understand some players live on utopia, but most are for farms that people rarely go on or go afk with alts.

    How does your logic suggest it's the most active, i'm quite curious ^^'
  9. who is from smp4???? I thought that smp was dead, lel
  10. I'm much alive, thank you very much (said sarcastically) :)
  11. As hinted at above: the players are too busy playing and simply lack the time to respond on the forums ;)
    DaysInTheDust likes this.
  12. This really blew up in your face.
  13. I'm from SMP8. Well, you could say I'm from SMP2 - that's where I was placed when I first joined. However, I moved to SMP8 after a few months and I've not wanted to go back since. All of my residences are there, including my alternate account's (ArgentumAgDuo and ArgentumAgTres, at this point in time anyway, that's what their names are ^.^), and I participate in three outposts there. And I've really gotten used to the community there, so I suppose that's why I stay so active there.
    607, DaysInTheDust and khixan like this.