What should I put on my alt's res?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by CadenMann, May 9, 2015.

  1. Oh, you thought that was it!? You underestimate my creavity. No, that house will be a giant toaster. And that toaster MUST act as a toaster. (How you interpret that is up to you.)

    Inside will be anything you want... But I suggest one of these:

    - Secret tribute to Resik
    - multi level slime block maze
    - fully functional house
    - Giant kitchen
    hashhog3000 and cadenman2002 like this.
  2. Oml I love your shower ;)
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  3. Build a giant diamond block bird.

    Are you suggesting we put TWO Aikars on the trampoline?!
  4. Please build a replica of your real house so we may stalk you in an unobtrusive manner.
    Please also give us enderpearl perms so we may go down the chimney.
    f_Builder_s likes this.
  5. No, imagine a train of teleport trampolines so complex that someone trapped in it just flies madly through the air around the residence. :p
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  6. fill the res with slime blocks and pistons so you get bounced everywhere. :D
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  7. A Toaster and Toast themed Amusement Blocks complete with Not Lime Flavored Jello (aka Slime Blocks)
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  8. A sign which says: "SMP2 was here" ;-)
    cadenman2002 and Chief_McCloud like this.
  9. Which reminds me the heads are working! Now I can bask in your beauty and glory for all eternal. (I got his head Caden)
    samsimx and cadenman2002 like this.
  10. Uptown, bump you up...
  11. uptown bump you up, hey!