What grinds your gears in multiplayer Minecraft?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jkjkjk182, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. There are plenty of little habits that I see on SMP servers (EMC included) that annoy me, but as George Carlin said, "Have you ever noticed that anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?" When people do things differently, especially in a way that we don't usually consider to be the right way, it annoys us. However, I try to look past all those little annoyances of over-advertising, general noobishness, and tiny grammatical errors. In the time that I could spend complaining about each and every one of these things, I could instead be just taking a second to correct their behavior politely and send them on their way. Sometimes a situation can really be out of your control, but I've found that most things can be fixed in some way, even if that means getting staff involved because the person involved actually is breaking rules. So, to summarize, I truly think that rather than complain, we should just try to guide people in the right direction and hope for the best.
  2. :p Almost everything the peeps above said.

    Also, when my username is spelled wrong ...

    Is it really difficult to spell "Pineapple"?


    ClareMuss and jkjkjk182 like this.
  3. I dunno. You're talking to hashdog3000 right here. :p I guess the double-h is kind of a difficult concept to grasp. XD
    ClareMuss and PineappleGem like this.
  4. It's even worse when they can press tab to do it for them.
    tuqueque and jkjkjk182 like this.
  5. The people in general.
    PortalShoo2er likes this.
  6. "does anyone know how to go to the wild?????????????????????"
    Don't spam, sonso.
    "does anyone know how to get to the wild?????????????????????"
    "I told you, please don't spam :).
    from Sonso: What the heck are you talking about when you say spam???????????"
    to Sonso: Excessive use of characters, it is against the rules."
    from Sonso: But I asked a question so it doesn't matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    to Sonso: See, you did it again. Spamming is inapporpriate no matter what circumstances.
    from Sonso2: Give 'im a brake, he/she is just a new player.
    to Sonso2: But they were braking the rules. Ugh.......

    mean people that talk about gfs and such, people offending you sexually
  7. I just use /p hashh
  8. So where is the thread about the things you Enjoy in multiplyer ? :D
    Pab10S, jkjkjk182 and hashhog3000 like this.
  9. Drama and rudeness.
  10. When new players say "Halp! My house was griefed" Then I go n their res and like 40 people have a build flag.
  11. When people ask the same question over and over expecting the answer to change.
    Behaving belligerently after being politely told/reminded of a rule they were breaking.
    Acting personally offended if a shop does not offer the lowest price on emc for something or accusing the shop owner of scamming for the same reason.
    Individuals who refuse to look up the answer before asking/demanding assistance (I don't mind helping out but I expect people to at least try on their own first).
    Individuals who refuse to read signs and then blame the sign maker for them not knowing the relevant information.
    People who expect you to have have a works cited page handy when you answer a question they have asked (I do not remember information on this game like I'm going to be writing an essay on the topic. If you don't believe/like my answers go look it up yourself. It takes an unmitigated level of gall to assume I'm going to dig up the link for you after you've been nothing but rude:mad:).
    Keeping drama going by continually verbally poking or mocking the original drama participants. Your just as bad as the people who started the drama and you know it.
    People trolling other players for not playing/doing something their way because their is only valid way.
    Guys who behave like creepers toward myself and other female players (I've starting taking screencaps of these for a wall of shame:rolleyes:).
    Nether hounds (the nether was dangerous enough already thank you:p).
    Pab10S, boozle628 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  12. Wait... What? Sorry but I'm confused
    MissFable likes this.
  13. I know everyone is annoyed by griefers, but I find it exceptionally annoying when people grief common things which they could obtain with very little personal effort, like stone brick and torches.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  14. Ohhhh I want to see this one lol.
  15. When people have a very long and annoying talk in town chat. (We have /tell, /c r, etc. for a reason...)
    Hex022103 and colepuncher like this.
  16. In literally every other some countries ('cept for 'Murica), people don't even call them pineapples; they call them "ananas" or something very similar in wording.

    I mean really
    <- this is not pine
    and not an apple

    <- Sure, this is yellow and an apple (and really beneficial, thanks to Notch), but it's BARELY a "pineapple"
    <- this is pine tho
    whAT GIVES

    Anyway, I digress. :p I was going a bit off topic there... ^^'

    Good thing I always make an effort to stock mine o:

    Speaking of... I need to hop back into smp8, return to town, and take care of that - just had a customer buy some new tools from me and I seriously need to craft more for stock. =P

    changing my prices back to 4r as well
    forget what everyone else says
    4r is fine for an Iron Ingot and I frankly don't give a Momentus's rotten bum about it

    One final note: I hope my emote spam isn't getting/doesn't get people infuriated... ^///^;;
    I tend to overuse emoticons sometimes and I know that it may very well grind peoples' gears, especially those we're referring to in this thread, ironically enough:

    from NewUser1337: what does eue mean
    from animeisbadmkay: what is >.<
    from XxalgebrahaterxX: WHAT IS <3 !? LESS THAN!? I DON'T LIKE MATH ZXCVBNM

    (These aren't real usernames, btw: just made up ones, but they're a few examples I came up with - I don't know for sure about the last two but the first one is definitely relevant and I get that a lot... eue')

    So I find it funny no one's mentioned emoticon usage yet.
    I thought, at the very least, Ultimamaxx would've mentioned emoticon usage spam in his earlier post... he knows me by now, so yeah. xD

    ClareMuss and PineappleGem like this.

  17. ^^^It's a pineapple :D
  18. So, whilst on SMP9, when no staff are there or online, I shouldn't politely ask the spammer to stop if you are online? After all, I wouldn't like to grind your gears... :)
  19. Have you seen a pine cone? The pineapple and pine cone look very similar.