What grinds your gears in multiplayer Minecraft?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jkjkjk182, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. When people spell my username FNDY instead of FDNY. That's what grinds my gears. :p
    ClareMuss and PineappleGem like this.
  2. LOL well I was not expecting rants about that.

    It's more like people type "Pinapple", and I've just gotten used to that as my name now :D

    Pinapple, Pineapple, Pine, Pineapplegem, Pinappel ... ya lots of things I respond to. :p

    Maybe I should have picked an easier fruit to spell.
    flamingpotato42 likes this.
  3. I came back from school after doing 2 exams and 3 hours of revision and decided today would be the day I gave my residence a makeover. I mined a few things, get bored, and thought to myself, 'I saved everything on my other res, so...'. I then proceed to press the green wool block on the /res clear menu.

    10 minutes later, I realize my second ESCD shovel and my Freedom Blade were left behind. My reaction:

    Biggest thing to make my gears grind towards myself in a video game in a long while.
    PandasEatRamen and jkjkjk182 like this.
  4. You know what grinds my gears? A lack of proper lubrication on my machinery.
  5. Huehuehue, teenage boy mind, huehuehue.
  6. Doing that is fine. But what really annoys me is when people come on and think they've got all the intelligence in the world and can tell people, with some authority, what's right or wrong when they really have no idea.
    SoulPunisher and Galantisizer like this.
  7. Ok. :)
  8. Good thread.

    1. Over-moderation.

    2. Non-moderators who think it's incumbent upon them to enforce rules (i.e. pedants). Some weird form of powerless megalomania. As a corollary, people who incessantly involve themselves in matters having nothing to do with them and who later complain about being chastised for doing so.

    3. People who use loaded terms like "troll" and "bully" as synonyms for "someone who said something that I disagree with or dislike," without appreciating the gravity or import of the words. Those terms describe people who engage in wanton, systematic acts of cruelty and should be reserved for characterizing real social issues. Misusing the words in such an extreme fashion devalues them, and as a result, trivializes the underlying issue, so when they're used appropriately, they're not taken seriously.
    Galantisizer likes this.
  9. What grinds my gears?
    -when ppl use bad grammer

    -When people try to start arguments about why Canada is better than America...why can't we all just be friends :confused:

    -Those noobs that ask a question and get an answer
    and ask again, and get another answer
    and continue to ask... :mad:
    PineappleGem likes this.
  10. It is so non-Canadian of them to do that lol.
    mba2012 likes this.
  11. Number 1 for me: griefers! Why destroy something of someone else's? Build your own, work for your own and leave mine alone. I find it extremely selfish and disrespectful.

    Number 2: rudeness. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it, keep it to yourself.

    Number 3: beggars!! grrrrrr! Don't even get me started.
    PandasEatRamen, jkjkjk182 and kevmeup like this.
  12. I have to stop annoying people.
  13. Mine are about the same.

    Griefers, it seems like they get so excited about messing up other people's stuff. At least learn the game and think of creative ways to annoy people... Use some redstone, have an an automatic snowball thrower or egg thrower.. Make funny statues.. Silly signs... Instead it's like "Oh no.... dirt pillar again... looks like someone blocked up something..." and the fact they grief public areas that are there for them to use, is just dumb. At least be robin hood about it and mess with someone's private gold brick pyramid and leave the community farm alone. Honestly, with a little creativity, there's a ton of ways you can harass someone in the wild without getting in any trouble for it. You could harass them for years even. Instead people grief and get banned right away. For example.. I'd laugh if I came in to my community farm one day and saw it covered in snow. Then cleared it, and found more snow the next week.. Maybe I should start a thread for creative alternatives to griefing ;)

    What grinds my gears is people that will fill up their inventory taking everything possible from your chests. They just assume they are playing skyrim or something. Do they really need a years worth of melon?? Can I walk into their house in real life and start filling up a backpack with their dvd collection? They wouldn't mind right?

    Yeah Beggars get me. Minecraft is a world of abundance... Theres sooooo much of everything and it's all easy to get. There is a video on youtube for everything you ever wanted. Then we're super pampered being on a towny server, getting tons of free rupees and stuff for voting. There are a lot of public farms also. I listened the the last drop party and people got DC after DC of free items and they'd still ask for more... Thats amazing to me. They actually had to use the free wood to build more chests to store items in and they still asked for more..?

    Thanks for the thread :)

    dresden72 and ChrisFlareon like this.
  14. Where can I get cobble?
    Can someone give me rupees? (repeatedly)
    Can I be a Mod?
    ClareMuss can I trade with your villagers?
    Everyone come to my shop (repeatedly)
    Why is my res gone? (after being away 150 days)
    Where can I get wood?
    Who sells fences?
    Please donate to my res (repeatedly)
    ClareMuss can you give me perms?

    The main one is people simply not saying Please and/or Thank You!!!!! That's probably my biggest gripe!!

    Oh there's so many I could go on and on! :)
  15. This. This x 1000.

    I believe I mentioned this in a point or two somewhere before in one of my earlier post(s) on this thread, actually...

    ...These are the people they warn us about in math class.

    ...Speaking of exotic fruits, how come the only thing I've said gaining enough attention for a reply is my random pineapple banter? :p
    jkjkjk182, ClareMuss, kevmeup and 2 others like this.