What are the most active wild outposts?

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Neuro98, Aug 8, 2014.

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  1. I tried to go out to Carthaga and follow the directions...couldn't find the netherrail lol
  2. I feel like Concordia is really being overlooked here...
    devon699 likes this.
  3. Haha, ehm, there was just a little change to the entrance yesterday, because of certain problems. So, when you leave the building in the nether through the door keep right. In the wall there is the entrance to the rails. There it is! Follow the rails and keep on going east to reach Carthaga.
  4. For starters you wanted me to chase you around Maximus all the time, Maximus was occasionally closed for road work, and the get a visa you have to ask me for a visa and I come give you one, the visa was meant as a joke. And don't make me get started on all the issues you have caused.
  5. No volt and estona, with permission, have occupied it and currently attempting to revive it
  6. I know your real reasoning devon...
  7. My god the paranoia never stops with you, like I said before stop trying to derail other people's threads.
  8. Are we going to argue again?!
  9. Guys, really? Again? Can we please have one thread about the wild or outposts, where you two are not bashing each other?

    Another thing is that I am honestly not interested who owns what piece of land and what city on smp9. Why do you always have to discuss these ownerships? It is really boring for all the others and is not the topic of this thread. If you have to clarify this, make your own thread.
  10. I'm not sure why you people are arguing, but Witch Hut Outpost is the place to be. With an extremely short list of accepted and active members, It has a 100% Accepted to Active member ratio, and that beats most if not all of today's biggest outposts. All accepted members in existence are active, and have been there atleast once in the last 24 hours. However the Witch Hut Outpost is not currently accepting applications. With a 99.99% non admittance rate, We at the Legendary Witch Hut Outpost are officially the strictest, and best, most grief proof outpost in all EMC existence. The security here is Ogre 9000. The only way to get into the Witch Hut Outpost currently is to be Bro_im_infinite's or Apocryphan's alt.
  11. The same thing happened to Me while trying To find Carthaga. Is this a problem for everyone?
  12. It was for me... Then I found the rail... I recommend you bring your own cart instead of walking it lol. Just follow kai's instructions, you'll find it :)
  13. Can a moderator please close this thread. I didnt realize that this would become so much of an argument between smp9 wild leaders. Frankly, it is very immature.
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