What Angers you The Most?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by DemonThunder345, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. When i tell someone not to say anything.
    Then they go around and tell everyone.! -__-
    talukegord likes this.
  2. When people are angry about trivial things.

    Look around, the world is falling apart. Be happy you have food, shelter, and Internet access.
    Steven7485 and bonzd67 like this.
  3. The 4 Essentials of life: Food, Water, Shelter, Wi-Fi.
  4. Get into the habit of showing work. It sucks at first, but it will be what guarantees your success in math in the future.
    cddm95ace and DemonThunder345 like this.
  5. Oh yeah, when it seems like everyone hates me.
    Which mainly happens on the forums.
  6. The ability to not show work is great. If you have it, you could easily be very successful!
    Still, the ability to express your thought process completely and concisely is yet more valuable, and, assuming you have both, you're basically set through college maths :)
  7. :oops:
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  8. Ugh, I hate that! Just like calm down, you took most of my money, if anything we lose more then them.
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  9. When ignorant people tells me I am wrong. My dog. My 4 brothers. Trigonometry. Not going to a SlipKnot concert
  10. People joining and within 15 minutes start asking questions straight out of the tutorial. People who you can tell are insanely desperate for money and they clearly display it. People who get excited because they found a residence that gives away free eggs. When people argue with each other over a tiny amount of money. When people think they have the coolest residence ever and in reality they have a pathetic eye-sore overpriced shack. When people think they're famous and important when they really have no friends. When people make fun of them self. When people give "smart guy" answers to someone with a legit question. When people remove your move flag because you told them the truth about their stupid statement. When people ignore you for telling them the cold, hard, truth.

  11. Comcast.
    PHL (Philadelphia International Airport).
    Rude People.
    People who think they are writers simply because they wrote a book. (Usually in Starbucks and on a MAC. Also, they usually type extremely loudly so everyone knows they're writing.)
  12. If you just teach them. Then its better instead of telling them off. I bet someone would like it if you said, "Please talk to the person you are talking to in Pm by doing /tell (player)" in chat then "STAHP TALKEING IEN TOWN CHART WHAN YUE KAN JUAST PM DEM LOSESR!". See the difference...
  13. I know somebody who I've told a thousand times, no names but if you're reading this you know who you are. I'd pm them even the dumbest or most important thing and no matter what I get the reply in town chat. So many times I've told this person "please respond in PM when I PM you, because we do it for a reason" and the response is "too bad I don't feel like it".. I don't understand how @haro or @@ is that hard to type.
  14. hey it happens to the best of us ; - ;
  15. Trespassing and graffiti. I usually listen to music on blast when I'm stressed.
  16. Yes, I can see that the person yelling can't speak proper English, therefore the new player would crap emself and not understand.
  17. wait... you can @darksuperlord ?!!?!?
  18. yep
  19. Whoa. All you guys repied at the same time...
    Some people take more time to learn or just won't. Thats life for ya
  20. @super is enough lol