Hi Jacob I have seen some of you posts on the forums, and they seemed ok to me. I did also see something about flame wars. But you right we all have an opinion, it does not mean we are right or wrong its just what we see. I know of many players on EMC who should be recognised for the help they give other players on the servers but for the most part this is ignored and this saddens me. There is nothing wrong in rewarding good behaviour in fact I believe in rewarding it. I see a sad lack of that though, from people that can really make a difference, but they seem content to only punish those that do wrong. I noticed your post yesterday in your attempt to rebuild relations with other ppl over some flame wars thing'y, and you where shot down. You admitted your part and wanted to make amends, this was commendable. I did not know you but I thought what a great person, he made a mistake but went out of his way to try and repair the damage but the others would not let you.That unfortunately is the way some ppl are, and I can see why you feel the way you do. It is clear though looking at all the nice posts on here that ppl do like you and want to be your friend. There are a lot of players that have left EMC, that I wish I could bring back but I don't have that power. Not everyone is really bad, most are misdirected. They follow their friends and later realise what a mistake they have made, given the opportunity to go back to that wrong decision, I believe most of these would make different choice. The few ppl that have upset you I hope read the nice comments on here and realise that what they are doing is also making the wrong choice. I hope they stop flame wars and make up the friendship you had with them. I am an older person I have grown children, as a parent I have made my fair share of mistakes but I love my children and even now I encourage them ever time I see a chance because it is important. If we want out young ppl to grow up to be good and decent adults then we need to be good role models for them. I hope you feel better and if you ever need a friend just pop on to smp6 you will always be welcome.
TBH, I have basically left. I just check the forums about three times a day and I log in in-game every four days and stay on for about 5 minutes.