Well then...

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Rhyblet, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. That is what I said. But qwerty insisted and even bought all the iron so I wont complain.
    607 and cowland123 like this.
  2. Sounds like a griefer magnet :confused:
  3. It's really far out, and rails have yet to be installed, so anyone who wants to go gets to take an 8,000 block dash to it. :p
    607 and cowland123 like this.
  4. hash you should take the initiative to making a railway.... I will send u rupees.... xD
  5. Is 8k blocks really far out? :confused: My base on SMP2 is at least 100k out :p
  6. 8k nether.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  7. In that case, it's far out :p
    607 likes this.
  8. You can't see through dirt or cobble, now can you?
    Dirt and cobble don't look cool, now do they?
    You can't engage Amusedstew with dirt or cobble, now can you?
    607 likes this.
  9. I didnt know these were required xD
  10. That death must have felt pretty bar'd for you

    (Yes, I'm just as appalled at that joke as everyone else is.)
  11. As your punishment, you must become a bard. Start singing, chin.
    cowland123 likes this.
  12. The sole reason I don't hang out in the nether when I don't need too...
  13. This is why I dont bulk supply quatrz xD