WANTED: Talented Creative Builders

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Hodgedude, Apr 16, 2018.

  1. Hi,

    Looking for at least 3 talented and creative builders to join a community build team to develop our first project. Send me a dm or message here and visit the site on SMP8 @16182!!

    The first project is a Community Biome Dropper with health activated.

    *Please don't steal my idea, as this is something I've built for another server before.
  2. Some more details about how you exectly want it to work might be usefull: For me, the clostest thing I go to building for free is by accepting ruppees. (I have done some stuff for profesional build teams) Also, It looks like you're only doing single res, that's not that much work anyway. filling a single res is (even when it's a tower to skylimit) probably not more than like 40 hours of work... That is pretty doable in a good two weeks alone...
  3. So your into it then?
  4. No, That's not what I am saying: I am asking for more information about what you want done, as I think I am not the only one who likes to have more information before deceting if it is a project they want to do you're quite short on words...
    Also, I forget to add in the previous post, the level of people you want could be usefull (how much you are willing to pay) I mean, if you have 200Kr, that's the amount I ask in advance :p
    If you want me to do it, there is a link in my signature to my build service thread, in wich all information about how I work and what information I need can be found.
    OriginalScuf likes this.
  5. Yeah, this is me donating my town land and resources to the project for the EMC CBT (Comunity Build Team) to finish the build...so I'm not hiring someone to build it. If you'd like to join the CBT, that'd be great. Otherwise all i can offer is credit, as im spending all my R on materials.
  6. I still dont see a reply to Jelle's question. Most builders who would help want to know the following
    -Supplies (Are you supplying or the person building)?
    -Style (modern, Vanilla, Fantasy, etc)?
    -ETA Time you want it completed in?
    Jelle68 likes this.
  7. Pay = none as its for the community
    Supplies = I will be providing as much as I can, others are donating to the build as well
    Style = modern biomes
    ETA = As soon as possible
  8. What is a modern biome, and why does the community need one?
  9. Please read my original post, it's not a modern biome that I am building.
  10. I think you’re misusing the word ‘biome’
    OriginalScuf likes this.
  11. New

    it's a dropper puzzle that drops you through each biome. It looks as though you are flying sideways through, forest, dessert, jungle, swamp, etc...Hopefully that helps.
  12. If its just a Forest, Might i suggest doing something in the wild?

    Its possible as i have a fully custom swamp biome i made smp6 in the wild.
  13. Hi Finch, though that is appreciated I do not need a custom swamp biome unless it is built sideways. This is a puzzle game I am building so there would be no point if that is not the case.
  14. Never told you to make a custom swamp, I was just providing info that community builds do work in the wild and usually end up better as no one wants to build and supply blocks for free on someone's res that could be wipped and all,
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  15. I'll see what I can do to help!

  16. vertical drop at the Hodgedude res!
  17. So to give everyone a better idea, this is what the outline will look like:

  18. I would be interested in helping with the building part.

    Also, I wouldn't say it's "your idea". People have made maps with the same concept like this before.
  19. Tuqueque and MoreMoople like this.