Now that I am supporter, I technically can make 1,700 rupees a day. Now with quartz flakes, I can get lots of money! Now there is even more ways to earn money
This is FANTASTIC! Thanks ICC! From now on I am going to try and vote everyday... I might not succeed... but I will bring glory to the homeland! HORRAH!
Just a quick reference to where we are on all these server lists as of this post: (4th Rank) (22nd Rank) (36th Rank Under "All Time Popular") (57th Rank) (46th Rank Under "The Top List") New List (216th Rank) (30th Rank) (753rd Rank) (7th Rank)
Don't worry. I think I got this. Remember I once drained over 16 million rupees over a weekend recently.
but lets see if everyone voted everyday, approx. 60000x 1000 I think that 16 mil would be made back pretty fast...
True, and that would be FANTASTIC for EMC. 60,000 votes per day on any of those sites would get us to #1 instantly...however, as you can see from our rankings, it's a small but steady journey.
*Point seen* *ONE YEAR LATER* (Someone from now talking to a new player) "You see, back when I first started, it only cost us 7r an iron ingot, not 700r!"