Vote for EMC - Get rupees off me

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JackBiggin, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. You can see it if you click the tiny version of the picture. ;)
  2. I will do that, and Yes, IE.
  3. .....
    Really? This is the 4th time I had to deal with fanboys today. I don't even want to deal with these people anymore.
  4. Date eh? Hmm. Going to be tough when I vote off of my iPhone…
  5. I meant barely see it as in I scribble with Paint all over it..... :p
  6. I don't know why you would highlight one of my words.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  7. Me neither
  8. Hehe I see your happy wheels bookmark. :p
    IamSaj likes this.

  9. Yeah the bar went away right as i clicked my calender so here's my rupee history with the tab still open. :D Had to block the coords of my wildy base lol
  10. Oh and I also can pull out my I voted for EMC sticker! I made it a super long time ago for a cause like this :D.

    Also I already suggested to Justin and ICC of a vote button on the main page we just never did it even though they said they would do it :(, now I wish they did do it.
    JackBiggin likes this.
  11. I'll donate a heap of money so it's 500 r each or 1k? :)
  12. How do you take photos
  13. Accepted. :)

    Accepted. :)

    Yep. Accepted :)
    That screen's fine. Providing I can see the the last few transactions I'll be able to accept it.
    Accepted. :) You can't imagine how many times I spelt your name wrong when sending the rupees... >.<
  14. If you really feel like it, you're welcome to! :D