[VOTE] Empire Voteoff Contest - May 2013

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by JackBiggin, Apr 24, 2013.

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  1. Spenser6 likes this.
  2. Empire is rank 31 on Minestatus! Come on everyone! Lets VOTE
  3. And although it doesn't get you extra entries, comment too! Believe it or not, that also increases our score!
  4. Do the Voter's Blocks do anything special, or are they solely exclusive collectibles?
  5. Collectibles I should think.
    At least, I haven't heard of them to do anything cool.
  6. 28th on minestatus!
    wisepsn likes this.
  7. Appears to me that PMC got rid of their 24 hour limit or something because I voted at around 5:30 pm yesterday and I just voted right now without a problem. The others worked fine as well, except for the last one because it isn't loading the page for me.
    cddm95ace likes this.
  8. Empire is rank 26 now! Everyone VOTE and COMMENT on mine status! (And all the other websites for that matter :D)
  9. Ok, do you have to vote on all websites or at least 1?
  10. Not sure if illiterate, or hasn't seen the past 500 posts...
  11. Just 1 site a day to continue your streak.
  12. We're currently #25 on minestatus (front page). If we can get to the top 5 by end of Friday, I'll hold a special mob arena where the winner(s) can get some special gear and maybe some IcecreamCow heads. :)
    mba2012 and AlexChance like this.
  13. I dont have time to look at every single post.
  14. :O My dream may come true!?
  15. I voted yesterday, and then today again in under 24 hours. The only site that had the 24 hour rule in place was MCSL (the 5th one). All of the others worked fine voting in under 24 hours, as long as it was a new calendar day.
  16. I think in addition to the special giveaway for the #1 on minestatus, I think everyone that voted should get IcecreamCow heads
  17. That would be nice, but then they wouldn't be very special :p
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  18. what about them being sold at the smp1 town spawn for about 6,000r each, in addition to aikar and maxarias heads sold for 5,000r each and justinguy heads sold for 10,000r each
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