[VOLUNTEER WORK] Creating New Roads After Restart

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by bloodycrap101, Feb 24, 2015.


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Poll closed Mar 4, 2015.
Yes 4 vote(s) 16.0%
No 7 vote(s) 28.0%
Maybe 14 vote(s) 56.0%
  1. So how is everyone progressing? We're on a short crew on SMP3 but yesterday I was able to make a 4 wide road out 500+ from the east outpost north. (dont ask me why i started there thats just where I ported in at.

    The roads I'm working on I am also trying to put check points in every 2 or 3 hundred so people can set spawn and do light crafting. It also has a stable assuming there's a wall I can mine into to make it XD
  2. I am currently working on a road going from waste east outpost through swamp areas going to the center spawn area. I don't know which outpost I am going to work on next. I've gotten most of the materials (except the starting off stuff) from the mountains and things I have tunneled through. I've been making a 4 wide path the entire distance out of cobble slabs to make it creeper proof with torches about every 8-12 spaces in distance (getting the coal and wood from clearing the path too). Built a fishing dock out at a pretty pond right off the west side of the east outpost too. SPend time there when it's raining. :)

    Oh.. SMP6 is the place I am working on.
  3. Slab road completed going from the center outpost to the east outpost on SMP6. I hit a few bumps (griefers) in the road while laying it but that is not going to stop me from at least laying the 4 main roads coming out from center. We'll see about any other roads afterward. I need to go mining for a bit before starting on the next road to stock up on cobble. :)

    How is everyone else doing? I haven't heard.
  4. The road im working on is about half way done i had a similar problem with griefers but publicly asked about it made it public and no more griefing so far. I hope to get the first road done by the end of the day. :)
    BreezyMan likes this.