This is really awesome and I see a lot of work went into it! The only section that seemed somewhat confusing was the "Player shops in Town" section. Swapping the second and third paragraphs seems like it would flow better, first explaining what a shop is from the standpoint of how to use them, then explaining how to build your own. It's kind of awkward trying to explain the multiple lines of a sign in paragraph form. One thing I think would be great is a bigger image of a shop sign. It may also benefit from a direct link to the applicable section of the wiki. Looks really good!
Those are some good suggestions, I'll have a look in a bit, thanks And thanks everyone for your nice comments
Whoa, wait, whoa, back up a bit... NEW. TUTORIAL...? This oughta be good; that ALONE I can hardly wait for!
Wow Alex! This is such nice work dude. I'm not even a new player and it made me wanna read it all the way through. Great writing and great graphics. Awesome input from FDNY & Krysyy as well. Very impressive indeed. =]
Seems were having an overhaul of cool graphics.. I love it Makes it all snazzy and easier to use! I hope we can inspire more younglings with this guide! Well, I'm speechless and love it! Go Alexx..