
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AmusedStew, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. If you can't use 4DC of TNT, you could always sell it.
  2. sam bought 2DC of it, do not want to waste.
  3. So maybe you can try blowing up your own res, but that is probably a horrible idea.
  4. I hope you pursue this. I appreciate that TNT use was made available to everyone and what Aikar was trying to do, but this cripples it for even legitimate use.

    I would even say that it would be easier to grief with it than to use it legitimately especially if you are trying to use it to clear an area of the Nether.
  5. I haven't used tnt much (at all) on the server, but can you still link it all with redstone?
  6. Yeah, it's too bad, but I hope you understand the reasoning.
  7. Flame bow? Also I can get another DC to sell to you if you need it.
  8. Wither you use this idea or not, I still think it is a good one.
    607 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  9. I thought the wither only attacked living entities.
  10. I think it is not fair, it removes the purpose that tnt is supposed to have.
    You would have to make a staircase of redstone with repeaters to carry the pulse just for one 8x8 hole it would take tons of redstone, I dont understand why it has to be this way.
    I do not understand the reasoning.
    I dont need more, but thanks.
    sam shot that idea down.
    607 and cowland123 like this.
  11. Bump, any more ideas?