This thread IS going to be controversial.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by copherfield, May 23, 2012.

  1. I get the same thing :(
    Herbrin3 likes this.
  2. No blue XD It keeeeeels ze eyez!
  3. Once i had a discussion with a diamond supporter because he though he was best than another normal player.
    He rage-quitted after i told him the truth.
    Normally people abuses from power, and as they can't be moderators (because here @ emc the power is given to the trustworthies) they just abuse of their "fictional" supporter power.
    *not stating that every supporter does, but some do like it*
  4. haha i know, i dont think like that i just pay monthly and get a little extra is all. :) but the supporters shouldnt get hassled like we do -_-
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  5. Exactly. People say that the regulars should be equal to the supporters, and as soon as we get that, the regulars (some of them, anyways) start pushing for us to be LESSER than them.
    Kells18 and copherfield like this.
  6. When I first started looking for public servers I happened across several.

    The first had a "tutorial" but it was just water slides with signs and whether answered right or wrong you got to join. As far as plots, they were all full in most places and never used. To even get a plot you had to request one and wait for a mod to reserve it for you. I was trying to get a plot and after a week I gave up. The mods would rather be playing on their PVP server which had 12 members at most. I finally gave up.

    Another had no tutorial, half their stuff wasn't fully complete and when I asked for help the Mod acted like I was stupid. I was mining because to claim a place you had to place a diamond block or pay someone 2,500 whatever their currency was to join their "town". I didn't have either and some kid came and killed me while I was mining he and the Mod thought it was funny and then went to go fight each other in the PVP arena where PVP was supposed to take place.

    Another you had to build something that impressed the owner to even get to join.

    Most other servers required you to join a "town" and I couldn't even get a reply or anything from them.

    I almost gave up until I found EMC. I'm glad I found EMC and I spend most of my time on it. I don't have to deal with any of that junk. Yes there are griefers and spam but there are a lot of great people on here, awesome buildings, Mods who Moderate instead of treat you like you're an idiot.
  7. The good people of EMC are on the site I have to admit... Everyone that doesn't use the site is a total noob, jerk, or is just clueless.. Some of the best people I have met is from the forums or recently getting active on it the forums is where its at here.. We have about probably 200 people or less super active on the forums and in my opinion about 4k active on the server the rest ok the 30k are either banned left or just getting on for daily bonus then getting off.. Its crazy thoug because if everyone was on the forums they would enjoy the emc experience sooo much more..
  8. I, like most other supporters have faced some seriously vile attitude(s) on EMC.

    There was a scenario about a month ago when I was getting harassed by two or three people on SMP2. They would take shots at me, try and trash my reputation as a hard working member of the community and claim that I was "a wanna-be moderator who sucked up to Justin." This would happen whenever they were online and whenever I politely asked someone to stop using caps ect. with "No caps please."

    So eventually a moderator got involved and was watching them very, very closely - hoping for a MAJOR incident which would result in a perma-ban. (One or two of the now banned members had been temp-banned several times before). They were eventually banned forever to my relief.

    About a week later the same thing happened with one member who had been temp banned for several days after I reported him after three days of almost endless swearing, abusing the rules and just being downright cocky. After he was un-banned he started taking shots at me in town chat, accusing me of sucking up to Justin once again. He was later perm-banned.

    So basically this has happened a few times - four or five - and each time the player(s) in question have faced a serious temp-ban warning or a perm-ban.

    My point being that this kind of thing is what I really despise. We support the Empire with our hard earn money. People say that we try and buy power on this community because we're rich in real life. We don't, we just want to support the game and the site and for god sake, I'm not rich IRL.

    Just because we try to in-force the rules and we don't have a green name, doesn't mean we're sucking up to the great staff members that really keep this place going. There is a reason why supporters are often unranked moderators - because most of us hardworking community members who actually use punctuation and the correct spelling are mature!

    Now, back to the main topic: This server is the only one I have actually played on for more than a day, so I can't relate to people like you Panda who moved from server to server looking for a great community. I do know, however, that the staff here are wonderful. They look after us, they are mostly mature (I must say however, that when moderators troll on forum posts such as well... you know which one I'm talking about... it kind of disgusts me) and they are always there to help out anyone who needs it, never thinking they're too important for anyone.

    Those that say that there aren't enough moderators, I do agree with you and those that say the report system is a joke, I kind of agree with that. But our administrators know what's best. The Empire is growing rapidly and the staff are just trying to keep up with it. And maybe there just isn't enough suitable people for the job, have you considered that? They don't listen to members any more? Don't listen to our ideas? Well, the population is currently above 30k so maybe it's too hard? Remember, ICC's job is to manage the community - he isn't the coder, Justin is.

    But anyway, I'm just glad I found such a great server which I hope to be a part of for a very long time.
    Herbrin3, SecretAznEks and Kells18 like this.
  9. He lost all his money in Vegas...
  10. Yeah i think so.
    Thanks god EMC is run by adults!

    Maybe the thought you were the "wanna-be-moderator-Justin-sucker" because of the "thick of aprooval" at the entrance of the mall :p they are just envy...

    Anyways: I think that being supporter doens't mean your mature (RaNiSiMa was a clear example of what we have been talking around) or that unranked-staff is supporter only because they are mature.

    I do agree around some other stuff, like f.e. the fact that we need more moderators, that the report system is a joke ('cause it's not done yet according to Justin, it needs improvements) and that most of the moderators are pretty appart, they need to get strong ban hammers, fresh meat on the staff lines, people who don't support people being a pain for the rest of the humanity, people that want the best for EMC and INSIDE EMC. People that aint a joke and people that won't get de-ranked in 2 weeks *not that i have seen any moderator de-ranked in 2 weeks*
    *im not making any references to anyone.*

    I think EMC needs to start being agressive against bad people, and even more helpful with great people.
    I think EMC should be inovative and search for new ways to attract more people, EMC should get out of the grid it is (yeah EMC is currently a grid) and that we should become stronger and better, not in our pony tails but yes o our 1st place podium right above anyone and everyone.
    JackBiggin and AlexChance like this.
  11. I just got so sick I have to go drink 50 glasses of tomato juice....
  12. And that has to do because?
  13. AlexChance & copherfield pretty much said it all :p
  14. Honestly? Anyone who thinks that they are better or deserve more rights than someone else is SICK. Just because you are poor does not give you any right to try to bully us into submission. We're not supporting here because we need something to blow our money on, we're supporting because we found a truly valuable place and we want it to be as successful as possible. If that takes a relatively large chunk out of my pocket, so be it. I'm not rich in any way; I'm barely able to support here as it is, as I make around $40 a month from helping out at a local shop. Most of that goes towards food - the rest goes into my bank account to count towards my supporter subscription. So my point is is that we are not people like Bill Gates. If one thing goes wrong in my financial situation, my job will be paying the rent. Literally. So just because I've found a place that I love and want to support does not mean I think I am better than anyone here (except rule-breakers, those I have ZERO respect for.). I was once a regular member. Now, times have changed, but when I joined, I LOOKED UP to the diamond supporters. In my eyes, they were the more mature ones, the motivated ones, the ones who had great building skills. Now, those beliefs may have been wrong (take jlopez24) but everyone is equal here. If we have money to support, and you don't, well, I'm sorry to hear that. But until you can prove that you truly deserve to be treated how we do, follow the golden rule. Because I'm sure that we will have no problem bashing you if you come after us.
    tshack235, AlexChance and Kells18 like this.
  15. Because I got sick watching those videos, so as a result I have to go drink tomato juice because it can settle one stomach.
  16. Not being supporter is NOT the same as being poor.
    I'm not supporter and i've got plenty of money to buy 10 supporter accounts if i wanted to (and i could *due to payment methods*)
    Don't mix stuff up.
  17. Ow ok, got it. *wink*
  18. *winkity winks back*
    copherfield likes this.
  19. I realize that. What I was trying to say was that the general assumption is that people who support are rich, and those who don't are poor. It's the public's opinion, and sadly, it's grossly wrong. A large number of free members I know just can't (don't have credit cards) support, or they need the money for something else. I'm sorry if I offended you at all.