This thread IS going to be controversial.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by copherfield, May 23, 2012.

  1. Nah, this is MY colour! XD
    battmeghs likes this.
  2. Back off, I got a Fat Man.
    battmeghs likes this.
  3. This color is mine and all of you that use it copied me cause of my awesomeness :)
  4. I got a cheeseburger
    I thought that was justin's?
  5. He copied me ;)
  6. Don't let the haters get you down. Your supporter membership is the reason those knuckleheads can play here in the first place. It's to bad they don't realize it and show more respect.
  7. Tell me about it people were so rude to me like a week ago cause someone was giving me a discount cause I was a supporter.. not right :(

    and it was a discount on diamonds I just wanted to buy... :\
    tshack235 likes this.
  8. Totally off-topic but I have an idea! What if we had a banned player jail? If the person really can't just go away we make an extra 360x360 wild that banned players spawn in on every server. They can do whatever they want, mine, build, whatever, and then the regular players come in. They have god mode, meaning they can fly and can't die, their inventories don't cross over, and they are given gold armor to stand out. They also get a diamond sword, a bucket of lava, a bow, and stacks and stacks of arrows. Maybe a lava bucket too. Pvp is set on, and all can have fun. Except for the banned players.
    Terr and imBobertRobert like this.
  9. the plugin to make this would take up space and its not really necessary, but it would be fun :D
    AlexHallon likes this.
  10. Yeah i was going to point that out on the video, i even asked him about it, he says he was there a bunch of time ago :)
  11. Torture chamber, me like :D
    AlexHallon and tshack235 like this.
  12. I will speak on behalf of the EMCake Party on this matter in a few days.
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  13. I just realized, he said lava bucket twice
    AssignedInsanity and copherfield like this.
  14. I just realized (while checking their website code) that they use enjin.
    enjin<Modifyed Xenforo
    Got it?!
    Nonono, seriously whoever donates to that, should totally ask for a refund and send the police in.
    I'm updating the thread with some fun stuff i saw in 2 secs.
  15. I was on a server (that will remain anoymous) and even though the server was no pvp people would camp at spawn with diamond
    Swords and kill anyone that they saw. I blew the spawn campers up with tnt.
  16. once i was on a server (my first server to be exact in 1.7.3( that was the first time that i played smp (i always stuck to ssp ))) and the spawn was protected as usual, but once i got out they attacked me because of my steve skin. i knew about skins, but i never actually got one because i prefer to make my own stuff and not use others work, so i asked a mod to help me a bit, but they joined in on the massacre of my bodies. it was quite humerous at first until i was kicked a few times with the reason of : GTFO steve. . kinda annoying. i thought that i could only ever play on one server, like a home server, so i went back to ssp until 1.8 came out. i tried and finally joined a server.
    tshack235 likes this.
  17. Oh yes.
    A lot of people I know have been very suspicious of one player griefing. I saw him do it, but did not get hard photo evidence. I jumped the gun a bit and started publicly accusing him of griefing. A few players who had heard HIS side of the story believed him. One in particular threatened to call 911 because I was 'cyberbullying' and it was wrong for "30 year olds to pick on us kids." (Get your facts straight, man, I'm 16.) When I pointed the parenthesised statement out to said player, he turned to the occupy approach. He started raging that I was too rich (I only have 2k, LMFAO) and started screaming about the 99% and how they would bring down the 'corrupt elite' of EMC who 'think they're better than everyone else because they are richer.'
    My response?
    "I am better than you, but not because I pay. Because I am respectful. Because I follow the rules. I am not so immature as to mindlessly attack other players for completely ungrounded reasons."
    Then he brought up a previous incident, where we saw a swastika at a res that he was working on. About 10 people were looking at it and trying to decide what to do with it when one of them discovered he had build. Said player then commenced to take out the small swastika, and we all left. Later, when the player found out, he raged at everyone he knew had build. When I explained the situation, he attakced me for 'griefing' when I never had build right in the first place. After a good 10 minutes of loud rage arguing, Aikar came on and clarified that things like swastikas should be taken down if possible. He then began to argue that it was a cyclone....
    Anywho, he started raging at me for griefing. THen R0bbie kicked us both (Thanks, I needed it) and I went back to the jungle on smp7.
    AlexChance likes this.
  18. Oh my god...
    Who in their right minds would post that kind of stuff in spanish?
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  19. Welcome to their server.
    ow wait, we are not part of that...