Things that i think can go wrong in 1.4.2

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by PenguinDJ, Oct 26, 2012.

  1. Explain.
  2. Hash means that with the new potions/colored leather armor the prices for these items will increase, once the search will be bigger and the offer is low. The same thing will happen with bricks. Only a few shops sell it, and the price is already high, so this will keep the economy running.
    About the enchantments, I remember that, some months ago, before 1.3, some enchanted items were sold for over 10k rupees. Do you guys think this is a fair price? Well, I don't. What will happen in 1.4.2 is that the enchantment prices will lower, and only a bit, because if you think about the necessary items to make an anvil... 31 ingots, and that's not it! You will need some nice levels to merge 2 enchanted items.
    The Wither: Even though I doubt a lot many players will have access to the wither heads, all we need is a public place (made out of bedrock) where you can spawn the Wither and kill it! If we could simply spawn it anywhere, it would be just like having a hostile mob spawn egg!
    "Hurr thez iz not Mincraft vanilla Durr"
    With all the plugins we have in the server, do you people really think EMC is still vanilla?
    And people complaining about the number of beacons in town: Think about the items needed to craft it and to make the beam work. You would need to kill a Wither, then make a pyramid of at least 9 blocks of a mineral (81 items).

    To finish, I noticed EMC is having a lot of discussion, losing members etc. I wonder where the king of our Empire is in this hard situation.

    Hash98 and L0tad like this.
  3. Good word ol' chap
  4. Dont forget gambling! "heyz guyz, comez herez and pay 50rz to get a chance to win a 'dimond shuvol'!!!" *Plays and wins the "dimond shuvol", its a renamed wooden hoe* -_-. That would technically be allowed, since he is stating that the winnable item is specifically named something, which says that it probably isnt what its named. A lot of new players would look at it as someone who cant spell right, not a scammer.
  5. It's their fault :p
    jkjkjk182 likes this.