The mystery of 3140

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ItsMeMatheus, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. There is random floating water on THE TOWN ROADS next to 3140!!! :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
    CadenMann and mba2012 like this.
  2. its evil water benders duh
  3. It's the res of Herobrine. It must be.
    IamSaj and marknaaijer like this.
  4. i think the water in it turned into him for like a frame or 2
  5. This is an error with the res system in town.... 4 pages of junk... for an answer...sigh
    marknaaijer likes this.
  6. Not necessarily - there is a bug in the residential system that sometimes lets you use a bucket in the streets; but the water and/or lava will not flow though.

    And only admins and senior staff the right flags to build in the town areas.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  7. Oh. That shows how much I know
  8. Lol, its ok really... it is one of those bugs that we think everybody knows abou
  9. i was just there and it is alittle weird
  10. A little? Dont you think the buy signs of diamond shovel and oak planks a bit weird? Like those are items used in a burial...
    HylianNinja and IamSaj like this.
  11. no not really its just some res thats a little weird because its still there
  12. This man, has a good point people.
    creeper3846 likes this.
  13. Someone post pictures of the res? I can't go and see it.
  14. Same for me.
  15. Just do /v 3141 and go to that res.
  16. I can't get on the servers at all...