The Minecraft Council (tshack235)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by tshack235, Jan 7, 2012.

    reznov529 likes this.
  2. I will take vp spot if you need someone to fill postition
  3. if historian really leaves, i will have to change the staff list alot. if he does leave, this is what im thinking

    President- Me, tshack235
    Vice President- reznov529
    President's Assistant- Terr
    Vice President's Assistant- oidgod (oidgod was the VP's assistant anyways)

    i hope historian stays, but if he leaves, we can still work this out :/
    reznov529 likes this.
  4. :bumping this thread:
    reznov529 likes this.
  5. okay boss, we need a big project that gets us a lot of attention
  6. hmmmmm, why dont we participate in many competitions.

    also, put "Member of The Minecraft Council" in your signature
    reznov529 likes this.
  7. I am going to start a conversation with the main leaders in the council about future projects.
    reznov529 likes this.
  8. Okay added it to my signature
  9. :ATTENTION: if you can, please put "Member of The Minecraft Council" in your signature.

    if you are president or vice presidents assistant, put that in the instead of the word "Member"

    please think of some ways to get this council more famous. once in awhile (like every half hour) say

    "Apply for the Minecraft Council at!" if we say it every hour-halfhour we shouldn't get in trouble
  10. You need to edit staff for original post
  11. historian101 really left? ok....
  12. I think he did :( he was a good man
  13. yeah, i edited it.

    historian, if you are still reading this thread, i hope you have a great (in-game) life. farewell :(
  14. I have considered it, and I have decided I will resume playing on EMC. But we need to get this thread back on the front page of the forums.
  15. ok, i am happy you stayed.
  16. :BUMP: we need advertisements and to keep this in the most active threads bar at the homepgae
  18. The major members of the council and I are working on ways to recieve more notice from EMC.

    I am planning on changing the name of the council to a guild, etc.

    I have realized that since we are a council, we barely do anything.

    I am voting with the leaders if we should change this.
  19. ATTENTION, EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!: i have created a new thread called "The Empire Guild", it is what the council NOW is. please visit it guys, i am going to request to close this thread
  20. Ok let us know when its up