The Minecraft Council (Members Only)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by tshack235, Dec 3, 2011.

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  1. ok, lets start a conversation
  2. ATTENTION ALL WARRIORS, NEW ASSIGNMENT (until January 1st 2012):

    Go to the OoO ( The Octahedron of Oblivion) and kill many mobs/monsters, the OoO is located on smp1, in the south outpost of the wild, there is a map on the thread called "The Octahedron of Oblivion". if you cant find it, go to Forums, hit community creations, and you should find it in there.

    this assignment runs until January 1st, 2012.
  3. If you've started the conversation, can you add me?
  4. Hey everyone. My schools out for the next 2 weeks so expect to hear from me more. and yes, 5 is EST. We can go up to 7 if the situation depends on it.
  5. I will be on if I can, but 75% chance my parents will kick me off or we will eat dinner. If the meeting goes to 7, I'll be sure to drop in if I can get an SMP2 slot.
  6. im gonna start it right now
  7. good historian, and ok supermaster110
  8. Hi guys

    I'd like to join...

    I have About 20.000 rupees and Id like to help Fininance this thing.
    I have an huge pyramid at 849 on smp1.
    I am also willing to contribute with iron or Gold or diamonds...

    I Wanna join this group as a financer...

    I am Diamond supporter so I have accses to a 128x128 big plot on the utopia...
    I am maybe willing to give the utopia residence to the club...

    With honor and Pride
  9. Sounds great, but ask tshack for final conformation. For the record, this isn't in the correct thread. In the future, everyone should post on the actual Council applications thread.
  10. what super said, this is no longer the app thread, but you can join. we dont have any fundraisers/financers. your job is creating fundraisers for money for the council. and we may need to use your utopia plot sometimes. if you want to give any money, send it to me. i have measures to know what is donations and what is actually my money
  11. OK so its agreed the meetong will be between 5 and 7. Eastern Timezone
  12. Hey, I came up with an idea to get some transport in the wild without having to worry about griefers.
  13. Nah, keep posting all of your grand plans (and their coords) on here!

    I'm sure no one will take advantage! :rolleyes:
  14. Thanks, I shall get cracking on finding it!

    An above-ground obsidian mine, with no lava...

    I keed, I'm no thief. Building isn't fun if the resources used aren't earned in some way.
  15. Anyone Wanna here the idea?
  16. sure historian
  17. Ok what it is, is its a mod that allows you to create mobile airships. This could solve problems with transportation. But we would need some where to store them. Otherwise they'll keep flying forever.
  18. Hey tshack you said the west outpost right
  19. I do not wish to join, but I am starting up a cross-game Clan called the N-Pire; please may I ally with you guys?
  20. tshack i have earned a stack of iron in aout 26 min like i said i was level 24 for xp but then died lol :D
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