The Maximum Rupee Balance

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ultipig, Sep 3, 2017.

  1. This video may suggest the maximum rupee balance for a player... or for everyone... or just the maximum shop sign price.

    Some quick research taught me that...
    ...In Java,
    A 32-bit integer can be as great as 2,147,483,647.
    A 32-bit unsigned integer can be as great as 4,294,967,294.
    A 64-bit integer can be as great as 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

    So, what will happen if the total amount of rupees on EMC exceeds any of these numbers? Will it be able to get any higher than that, and would it be possible to switch to 64-bit Java to increase it to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807r?

    EDIT: if each player's rupee balance is separate from the total, then what would happen if someone got to the maximum and wanted more?

    Here are some quotes that can make this easier to understand:
  2. This is interesting.... Thanks for sharing :)
  3. Once someone hits the highest rupee balance that is possible it goes into negatives.
  4. The description of the video actually has that number. I'll add that to the OP. :)
  5. This is really interesting :eek:
  6. for the curious, the numbers come from
    sum(n=1 to 31) 2^(n-1) for 31-bit integers and
    sum(n=1 to 63) 2^(n-1) for 64 bit integers

    these can also be written as (2^31)-1 and (2^63)-1
  7. Depends on if the max balance is indeed 32 bit or 64 bit.

    If all rupees are stored in a single integer (total rupees) -
    • Given the numbers of some player's rupee balances, I'd say with a relatively high degree of certainty that this would be a 64 bit number. How many players have rupee balances over 1 million? How many over 10 million? 20 mil?
    If the rupees are stored per player, I see no reason why it needs to be a 64 bit number, except for crossing that bridge very early. If a player has over 4 billion rupees, then hot diggity dog.
    If one of the values were to exceed the value it's stored in, the count would reset to 0, not negative, and however integer overflow is handled, it could be the rupee-pocalypse.
    (Pretty sure none of what I just said is right, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

  8. Too high rupee balance results in that ^^^
    Carbonyx likes this.
  9. Is that actually on EMC or an sp world?
  10. Has to be sp, he's in creative
    UltiPig likes this.
  11. It's RainbowChin, that's what.

    Or am I secretly ss, find out next time on thread!
  12. So rainbowchin is your alt? :eek:
    FalloutHood55 likes this.
  13. If only he had set that sign up for buying... I have several DC I would like to sell at that price :D

    It is hard to imagine what the prices of everything else would become if dirt went for that price, seeing as how it is now nearly worthless. This means that diamonds would sell for 100 times the 32 bit integer limit? If this were the case, then one would only be able to buy about 2/3 DC of Diamond Blocks before hitting the 64 bit integer limit :eek:
    Thank goodness for competition in the market :)

    Tempered Outpost Founder
  14. "Owner doesn't have enough rupees!"
  15. Ik it!!! :eek:
  16. I actually think runder is right, as if you set your game time to over the 32-bit limit, it actually goes negative (you need some modding to do that) so that seems the way minecraft is programmed. but I don't think it will actually be vieuwed that way. most systems just quite it when they don't know what to do, saing something like: "ruppe balace: invaild number" or however it is programmed.
    Something interesting about this is that if you would be able to loan a lot of ruppees getting in the negatives, you would teoretically be able to make it positive again, even though it would still say it's an invaild number... but just maybe, if you would start spending more and more money, you would actually go to a positive ruppee amound from loaning a lot, wich I wish was the case in real life... (I actually haven't got any money problems if that sounds like it)
    all with all I think that, as long as we don't go zimwabwe style ('got 10 000 000 000 000 zimwabean dollers on my pintboard) it sould all be fairly impossible, but that doesn't make it less interesting...
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  17. For some reason I doubt this'll ever be necessary :p