The Hitchhiker's Guide to EMC

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by NeedsFoodBadly, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. Eternia a hollowed out res or a giant outpost... lol. Eternia is pretty massive. I haven't seen any of the land owners on smp7 a lot in a while. Now I'm going to have to check and see if Eviltoade has a "plot" there because he has been on smp7 a lot lately. Might have to go bug him. if so: *dropping dimes*

    Thanks for adding candyland. did you go see it? I was thinking about forceclaiming a res right next to it last night. I'm not big on diabeetus but the creativity and various builds are just really cool, colorful and fun to look at. I might not, I can see myself actually gaining weight living next to it lol.
  2. The SMP7 Eternia Outpost was meant to be a secret, but it looks like it's got out again... Only people with the Tales Of Eternia books were meant to know but I guess people just picked up on it ;)
    607 and Kytula like this.
  3. There is more than one...

    Gawadrolt likes this.
  4. Yeah, I was wondering about that :p I have never read the book, but heard about Eternia, not exactly knowing what it was.

    This thread looks nice, and there are quite some things I'll probably want to check out myself! Perhaps too overwhelming for new players, though.
  5. Please remove Eternia from SMP7's list. It is meant to be secretish and it is not very nice to reveal it to everyone.
    607, SoulPunisher and FDNY21 like this.
  6. Its not on the smp7 list its on the smp1 list :p
  7. There *IS* an Eternia on SMP1. Look at the map. It's the lower left of the Empire owned 4x plots.
  8. I didn't say there wasn't one on smp1 I just said its not on the smp7 list ;-)
  9. Well hopefully I improved since the last time you saw my place. I feel bad my place didn't live up to your expectations. I try to adapt to the markets as I see it change in my chests. When demand gets high, you will see me out of stock. But I'll come along and raise the price so someone sells again. Come on by again soon. I checked earlier today, and everything at least had a few stacks, if not dc's in stock. I just raised obsidian prices today to get a few stacks in for example.

    Have a good day! I hope I can make you a happy customer!
    607 likes this.
  10. Please add to SMP4:
    kevmeup's Woodshop, 8415, /v +woodshop