The Empire Minecraft Mod

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by A_Dolphin, Feb 18, 2013.

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  1. lolwat
  2. Before you yell me, I have world downloader.
  3. PM me pl0x.
    Fixing in next patch, 1 min.
  4. Patched, re-install mod.
  5. It is possible in a sort of way. But I can't make non-biped entities wear more than 1 layer(armor)(which is why I can't "properly" fix Bigdavie's model), but I can make ICC weaker in the daytime.
  6. That'd be cool.
  7. I want to be in this, and as a Klingon I should be armed with and drop bat'leth swords.
    BilboBaggins23 likes this.
  8. You are already in! Want different stats? Health? Aggressive? Attack strength? Stats on the "bat'leth swords"? Set things on fire? Damage? Uses?
    EdmundWayne likes this.
  9. Oh, that's awesome. A passive Klingon seems odd, but I like being passive. Maybe I could help attack hostile mobs with my bat'leth. This is great! Thank you!
    BilboBaggins23 and nick5013 like this.
  10. O, like when wolves randomly attack sheep XD (Us wolves gotz to eat)

    Also, what did you think of my ideas

    (be perfectly honest, Im assuming that they suck XD)
    nick5013 likes this.
  11. They're.... somewhat unrealistic, but hey, anything is possible :D
  12. XD

    Not even the 1 for ICC?

    Couldnt you just use the code for endermen? But instead of opening his jaw, his skin looks like a normal cow, then changes to the ICC skin
    nick5013 likes this.
  13. I'll see what I can do
    WolfThunderblade likes this.
  14. Thx
    nick5013 likes this.
  15. Wow this looks amazing, I will shall attempt to install it :) Looks awful cool :D
  16. Oxymoron XD

    Cutting down on posts to get a better ratio:

    Combine all posts by editing 1 post XD


    XD, ikr
    (see, it worked XD, my ratio just rose .004)

    I think it looks great alrdy, what does it do XD

    And can u change it so that u hold it opposite of that, so the curve points away from u, rather than into ur arm XD

    Aww, but my genius plan, it was working SO WELL!!! XD
  17. I love 'em. Ya gotta, there just so funny.
  18. Making this
    in a 16x16 image is harder than I thought. But this is what I've come up with:

    If someone could improve my texture, that'd be great.;)
  19. Make dragon tombs randomly occuring :p
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