actually, max is on aikar's team, and aikar is on max's. no i'm just trolling. Yes, you're right, the team leaders may compete if they choose to
I was gonna say no, they're just gonna fly over everyone and crack the whip and force them through the events against their wills as torture. But yours works too
A few updates: First: Yukon1200 is back! Yukon and I will be recording the events, along with a talented camera crew. Second: We may have a special guest. YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS THIS Third: ISMOOCH is unable to participate Aikar is working on finding someone to take his place. Fourth: The 10k run will NOT take place on sunday. It will be held at a later date, due to the length of time it's likely to take.
lol tis wole aje prejidice is ridikolos coz i am 12 butt (hehe butt) i am soo machure JustinGuy? Or possibly Notch. I dibs his place!
I have a shrine to eyecar's current team 0_0 Go to 4271 smp2 go to the kitchen jump in the chest over to the far pressure plate of the table.