The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. AIKAR.
  2. well he was saying from a newbs perspective so they wouldnt be that far out also thats a public farm im at it isnt mine
  3. I've suggested this earlier, as have others. Consensus is it's not fair to far-flung wilderness dwellers (who want the new mobs). Likewise anything else that suggests limiting them has been handwaved as "not worth it."

    Okay, good to hear. :)
    How about the speed issue? Putting aside the problem of not being able to outpace them at a full sprint, dashing headlong through the nether is reckless to the point of deadly in its own right - doing it while worrying about a pack of enraged mutts is suicidal in most cases. And as you know, the terrain of the nether itself is not conductive to dashing over long distances.
  4. You amaze me with your amazing knowledge of words. I am saying it sincerely. You just keep blowing me away every time you talk.
  5. i think netherhounds most of all need to be reworked a bit tbh the other mobs you can outrun and dont really interfere too much with other things.
    hounds break gold farms (they spawn a little faster then piggies and bring friends) and they dont die from the fall damage so maybe giving them less health would ease alot of the problems people are running into from the crazy fast packs overwhelming them.

    also those little bastids will follow you for ages i was bee lining in a straight line and kept getting the summon for assistance thing and thought it was different packs nope same pack aggregating more friends. turned around and fought off about 30 of em
  6. i think alot has to do with the no despawn thats in effect.

    Basically, hounds will spawn, noone kills, then repeat and it builds up all over then 1 unlucky person runs into them all.

    On next update they will despawn like normal mobs so itll be hard to have more than 1 pack near you unless you stand still for a while and get lucky
    chickeneer and cadgamer101 like this.
  7. Mobs only "give up" on you once you get out of their aggro range. The problem with hounds is, they are so damn fast you literally cannot escape them just by running. They're at least as fast as a sprinting player, if not faster. Maybe hop-sprint + speed potion could get you out of their range, but as I mentioned in my last post traveling at that rate in the nether carries its own set of problems. They need to be slowed down, at least to the speed of regular wolves.
  8. I am apparently hunting and walking around in the wrong areas because the times I have ventured out to find any of the new stuff it took hours to find the bosses and I usually only find one enraged mob, yet people keep talking like they're being swarmed by hordes with torches and pitchforks.
    PenguinDJ, talukegord and jkjkjk182 like this.
  9. Speaking from my own experience, SMP8's desert in Wasteland produced two or three enraged creepers, four to five zombies, and several skeletons over the course of one night, remaining roughly within a 200-block radius. The netherhouds... christ, I lost count. They're EMC's killer bees.
  10. Alright I guess this might be useless because we can all see they flame up but here is the proof they're fire resistant
    and one extra detail that I noticed (I din't feel like reading every post so if it's repeated sorry) enraged mobs will endlessly turn around in circles in the same position whenever they are left alone in liquid ._. They will only stopped when provoqued by a player that is nearby but if the player gets out of it's distance while it still in liquid, it will return immediately to it infinity spin and will not charged toward the player until it's attacked (except skelly for which they will stop and start attacking u with arrows) 2013-06-24_22.03.59.png Only when they're in STABLE liquids
  11. [suggestion]

    You should make enraged mobs take rain and water damage. If they are fire resistant, they should be weak to water. Also, make them take fire damage in the day, because I'm finding way too many enraged mobs in the day. Once, I got bombarded by like four enraged zombies while leaving a head machine and had no armour on. I died within a half second of getting up the ladder. Also, their pathfinders need a little work. When I got back to the head farm thing, all the zombies were facing the same direction in the same place. :(
  12. Also, I was playing for about SIX HOURS today looking for bosses and found not 1. Yet, in the mob arena, there are 10 marlixes and enraged mobs with armour everywhere. :p
  13. In the last half hour or so, I have logged into my wilderness outpost on SMP7 roughly six times (skeletons causing hard-lock issues, unrelated to this update). The area is well-lit, the only mobs I should be seeing are those dropping from the two grinders in the room with me.

    Instead, on two occasions, the very first mob I have seen has been Enraged - first a skeleton, this last time a zombie.

    Either I am very unlucky, or the bloody things are taunting me now.

    EDIT: They're not spawning in the grinder, mind you, but in the hallways nearby.
  14. i'll 2nd that motion lol

    i guess some of us are just more lucky (or in my case unlucky, being as i was slaughtered by 3 enraged at once) then others lol.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  15. i think if you just gave them less health so they die easier to fall damage they would be less of a problem, even now they arent terribly difficult to kill with god bow/sword but a little less health would keep them from clumping and from wrecking people who are unprepared. as it is now they fall from top bedrock onto the plateau and suprise the poo out of me alot
    because they move so fast they tend to glitch through opaque blocks lol
  16. I figure you're probably just joking anyway, but no - the spawners in the grinder system are in the opposite direction. They'd have to be teleporting like endermen to pull that off, if such was their source.
  17. no im serious they glitch through redstone, glass and fence posts i seen it
  18. That also happened to me except I was in a completely lit up revine. The only place which I find surprising is that they spawn even in the smallest areas of darkness since I found themselves on top of the ledges with 1x1 block of space
  19. Since the survival update, at a friends base in the nether, the "animal" entity count keeps going up and up.
    I was hoping that last nights update would fix this, but it did not.
    Before the survival update, /entc used to show like less than 30 "animals" and I think they would despawn when you log off.
    Now, as soon as you log on, /entc is like 85 "animals". It has gradually increased from about 30 or less to 85 over the last few times i have been out at the base.
    The problem is that even logging off with no one else nearby, the "animals" will Not despawn.
    Are these "animals" the nether hounds that keep swarming and killing me, even indoors?
    I like most of this update, but will the nether hounds please be made to despawn after you log off?
    Thank you.
  20. im gonna post some low quality youtube vid's for any players who might find the update daunting. hopefully some of my tactics can help some of you.

    yes i know its poor quality and probly coulda been done in two videos its mah first time tho :p
    cadgamer101 likes this.