The EMC Shop Standards Rating System Short (ESSRSS)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Bobalek, Apr 10, 2012.


Do You Think This Is A Good Idea?

YES! 5 vote(s) 45.5%
NO! 3 vote(s) 27.3%
Maybe :-l 3 vote(s) 27.3%
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  1. There are countless pictures of people boxing up other players who go AFK on their residences, shop or not. I am fairly certain that the shop owner was being sarcastic when he said it was an AFK unfriendly zone. He clearly did not mean his words if all he said was what he posted and just boxed you in. If he had taken away your move perms, that would be a different case and I would likely agree with you. But boxing people in is a fairly common practice. It is not uncommon to see someone box in a well known player while they AFK and then "try" to get a ransom from the public.
    MrsWishes likes this.
  2. I have not been rude. and yes you agreed with my side before during a situation when people accused me of stealing an item, I believe. The accusation was false and proven to be false in a very dramatic and public way with the perpetrator stalking me at one point, its not like you have given me anything.

    I am not over reacting to whatever it is you seem to be blowing up in your mind. I am not holding on to what happend to me at that res but you seem to be. I place a value on gaining information and knowing before I go. I know that person is an idiot so I won't go back, done, past it, telling others so it wont happen to them.

    I am not sure what it is you think you did to help me that you speak of that would make you mention it in such a way that i should think i owe you something or that by telling me to chill is helping me now. The person who should chill is you.

    And not post unnecessary comments where someone is trying to gather information

    As I stated, Information related to the thread and post.

    Obviously to hard to comply.

  3. Staff please review thread and close. or not i dont care about the information anymore
  4. UltiPig and ESSELEM like this.
  5. Nothing more needs to be addressed. Closing.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
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