The Difference Between Constructive Criticism and Shooting Someone's Ideas Down

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by emfs_ad, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Finaly this is here.
  2. It's like my similar post That EletricHamster and I were trying to irradiate.
  3. I totally think that this should be pinned somewhere. It shows the reality that even though it might sound mean in YOUR mind, try reading it from a different perspective. Some statements are just trying to help and people need to try to look at it that way.
    Penguinub likes this.
  4. Dramanya and jkjkjk182 like this.
  5. Cleaned up the Thread. Lets stay on topic
    As for the players who want argue about it please stop I don't care who started, who antagonized it, or who finished it. Just drop it and move on it's best for all parties before Staff action has to step in again.
    If your really adamant about it start a pm like ShelLuser did. Have a Good Day
    Kephras, ShelLuser and deathconn like this.
  6. Bump, let it be seen by all.
  7. I disagree that my first and third posts were off-topic. The second one I agree on, but the other two were pertinent and polite (not that the second wasn't, though). Both related to the OP. Both posts broke no forum rules.

    The first post was directed to another player, but could have applications further than that. It discussed the importance of keeping an open mind toward posters, a topic directly discussed in the OP.

    The third was also related to the OP, though a bit less directly. It discussed a course of action I suggested for another player if they wanted to improve the results of their threads. While not directly related to the OP, it wasn't an argument, did not cause one for the 12 hours it was up, and was (in my opinion) a very important message.
    On another (more important) note, both you and Krysyy have said that there has been staff action in the past against me. Is there some sort of miscommunication? I have gotten no warning, punishment, or other message (excluding the result of reports) regarding this subject matter. Why are staff saying I've been contacted and almost muted when I have absolutely no idea about any of it?
    607, 8808, FDNY21 and 3 others like this.
  8. What happened to acceptance? This whole "if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all" mentality is not very nice :-P

    I have seen a lot more whining on the forums about people being antagonistic than people actually being antagonistic. Just saying.

    These make me cry ;-;

    607, FDNY21 and PenguinDJ like this.
  9. Well Penguin you might see that way but I as well as others didn't. All those replies from both you and him were simply bricking towards each other. You and Krysy have a discussed this in convo about just ignoring it. As for us talking to sean, we have been talking to him also so there is no miscommunication. I can't say anthing more because it's between him and staff, not him the wold. So let it be and move on please.
  10. They weren't causing an argument. Mine weren't, anyway. Krysyy (was it her? I can't remember now) suggested ignoring his posts and at the time the problem was with the rudeness thing. That's gone away, at least on my end. I feel that because I'm able to hold a conversation respectfully I shouldn't have my posts deleted just because of one conversation that happened in the past.

    You misunderstood the miscommunication piece. I was talking about your message: "Staff action has to step in again." Both you and Krysyy have mentioned that staff has gotten involved in the past and quite frankly it's aggravating to be threatened with a mute and accused of breaking rules publicly for something I've never done, or been notified about. No staff member has communicated with me on this, ever. That miscommunication aspect has nothing to do with Sean.

    My question that I'd appreciate an answer to: Why are staff saying I've been contacted and almost muted when I have absolutely no idea about any of it?
    607 likes this.
  11. If you feel like there's a miscommunication then start convo with krysy and we'll get it settled there than derailing Deathconn's thread.
    PenguinDJ, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
  12. Due to a recent suggestion, bump :)