ThaKloned's Buying/Selling Thread

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by ThaKloned, Jul 1, 2015.

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  1. Your asking why I won't sell this rare egg for 5k?
    Penguinub and FDNY21 like this.
  2. 10k? U could have just said no
  3. Not sure if you've seen it or not, but I suggest you read Ncc's list here about the promo market in general to work out what a decent offer is for promos. I've seen you on other threads offering extremely low for promos so it might be handy to see how off the mark it is you are and adjust your offers from there :)

  4. Bump

    6 new Guardian eggs added 75k each
  5. Your voter boots?
  6. No. I would never sell my own set lol
  7. Hoos den nub?
  8. Is the Voter's Boots Still available? If they are I would like to buy 'em!
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