ThaKloned's Buying/Selling Thread

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by ThaKloned, Jul 1, 2015.

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  1. Yes
  2. Guess your afk :p Just pay when you get back and I will mail them :)
  3. hey can i buy the rest of your cooked chickens and the enraged zombie villager if you still have it
  4. The enraged zombies were sold earlier unfortunately. I will post when I get more though. I have 122 Cooked Turkey (250r each) = 30.5k. I can mail them.

    EDIT: Sorry I just realized someone renamed their cooked turkey so it doesn't stack. I have 121 of them.
  5. I'll take 2 i day and 2 empire fireworks...
  6. Sure thing. That'll be 20k and I will mail them to you :)
  7. Shouldn't be 40k? 2 iday (20k) and 2 empire (20k) = 40k
    ThaKloned likes this.
  8. Whoops lol forgot to math :p Yes that it the amount :D
  9. Paid...
    ThaKloned likes this.
  10. Can you send that money back lol I typed pay instead of mail :p
  11. hey so you have 121 cooked turkey the promo am i right if so ill pay the 30250r
  12. Yup :)
  13. Updated list.

    19 Taste the Freedom steaks
    1 Voters Boots
  14. Added to list:

    Enraged Guardian Spawn Egg - Qty: 2 --- Offer *NEW*
  15. 5k for the eggs
  16. lol
    Penguinub and jkjkjk182 like this.
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