Texas schools punish students who refuse to be tracked with microchips

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Jeanzl2000, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. With a calculator I do well as long as I don't get confused and put in the wrong numbers :p
  2. That's the same for me:)
  3. I personally think kids shouldn't be looked down to. I've been looked down to all my life by my biological father (who I call by his first name) and he doesn't give a rip about me. All he cares about is my "little" sister. He has almost killed me around 5 or 6 times, while being intoxicated(beer), and I don't find it okay at all. He has lied to me numerous times, and has abused me. He has acted as if I'm stupid, and I have proved him wrong once again. He will never be the father that cares, and looks out for you. Luckly, I've moved on(No, I have not forgave him, nor do I think I will), and so has my Mom. She got remarried on September 29, 2012, and I've called him Dad for awhile. He's Adopting me. I still have very, very vivid memories of my close deaths.
  4. Man, that sucks. I'm really sorry to hear about this. You have my sincerest sympathies. I hate abusive parents. I was lucky with mine, but I've witnessed up close and personal several awful parents belonging to my friends. I don't understand why people have kids, and then instead of loving them and caring for them, they do the exact opposite. When I have kids, they'll receive love and care like a true parent gives.

    I'm glad you've gotten out of that abusive situation. I hope your future will be tons be brighter than your past. Best of luck to you. :)
    Cchiarell6914 and mba2012 like this.
  5. They... purposefully deny them food if they refuse to wear an RFID tracking ID?

    I have no words for how wrong this is.
  6. My school used to deny you lunch if you didn't have money in your lunch account. I always thought that was stupid but denying them lunch for not wanting to be "a submissive sheep" as some people would say, is a bit much.
  7. I prefer middle yellow-orange text, but yours is great too :p
  8. Thank you for all the support:)
  9. What happened to human rights in USA?? In UK we wouldn't have these because of human rights across Europe And EU!
  10. Do you mean the same human rights that allow the big brother system in London?
    alexschrod likes this.
  11. I dunno about london dont really care about them im Bridgnorth :D

    Google Maps it! :p