[Suggestion] Removing Boss Mobs.

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by FirstJugBurgerz, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. So no one could be EMC?
  2. Dude. Those are not bosses, they are mini-bosses. You will be wishing you only had to put up with the likes of them once Aikar finishes up some more coding.
  3. I think that we are becoming less french Vanilla, and going more towards swirl.
    bloodra1n and brickstrike like this.
  4. That looks delicious (though I don't eat sugar anymore :(), so that's a good thing right? :p
    PenguinDJ and WolfThunderblade like this.
  5. I think so, that's our new gimmick now, right?
  6. We're vanilla-french strawberry. :p
  7. I may have used this picture before, but who could possibly resist dat face

    Shady manatee says: Who you callin' some random goon off the side of the road, punk?!?

  8. When you said guardians i had an idea.
    What if when dragons tombs are released each tomb has two Marlix/momentus/one of each guarding the entrance?
    This would decrease trolls because (as I understand it) the portal will disappear once its been used. If they and to fight their way through two bosses its be tougher to get in, and would increase friend groups.
    brickstrike likes this.
  9. *likes this idea.
    To be quite honest, I think that dragon tombs, the inside arena, should be different. Each one totally different, so people have different odds of getting a dragon egg. Just something I actually think that if we could submit "maps" to say, like some other servers do with parkour, it could work out great :p
  10. Yeah, a good thing.
  11. map 1: Dragon spawns over lava lake with withers all around, shooting at u as u spawn on a 1x1x1 block of dirt floating over the lava!

    map 2: Dragon spawns surrounded by an obsidian casing, completely trapped, with a single hole in the top above the dragons back, right next to where u spawn, for u be able to hit the dragon!

    Shady manatee says: Life wasn't fair... until now.
  12. >.> Erm... I see these are jokes, but the maps would be checked before getting added lol. :p
    WolfThunderblade likes this.
  13. Hey, you changed your wording, so now my sig looks like a phony. >_> :p
  14. What he said.
    brickstrike likes this.
  15. yes the original wording may have been hard to understand for some so i felt the need to clarify
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  16. Any server that uses Bukkit (Or any derivative of it) is, by definition, not vanilla. Bukkit is created to make multiplayer servers stable.. And has soloing Momentus been tested since the archery nullification..? :\
  17. as far as i know you can still shoot them, they are just more likely to draw you in if you do so....i may be wrong tho
  18. Archery was practically nullified in where Momentus will draw you in if you shoot him with an arrow from any distance and you are outside his aggro zone, making archery pretty much useless against him.. :\ ..Esspecially for people who prefer using charged bows..
  19. I cannot seem to edit this into my post above.. T-T
  20. Here is a video of me testing his balance:

    You will see i defeated him without even using "god" armor as you all like to call it, solo, without arrows